STAR (Starling)

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STAR (Sicherheitstechniker-Aufseher-Replika), (Security Technician Guard Replika 'Starling') or Star, are Generation 4 Low-Cost Combat Replikas. These units are Protektor Security Technician Guards.[1] Starlings are a type of bird noted for their social behavior and tendency to swarm. [2]

Notes regarding the STAR UnitsSTAR Logo.png[edit]

General Notes[edit]

We can learn more about the STARs from their Replika Overview Page. This tells us that they are a Generation 4 Low-Cost Combat Unit with a Biomechanical Frame and Polyethylene Shell and have Bullet-Resistant Armor Plating. The overview page reads as follows:

The Standard model of the Protektor Security Technicians. Fitted with extended legs, STAR units gracefully tower over most Gestalts. Despite their heavy armor, they can move swiftly with their long stride. Their cool and detached demeanor allows them to analyze situations with objectivity and deploy force as required. Trained in close combat and riot control techniques, they operate best in small squads led by an officer STAR unit equipped with a ballistic shield.  [1]

We can learn more about the issues these unit face from their Replika Issues Page:

Despite their normally laid-back demeanor, STARs have a strong internal hierarchy, which is important to take into consideration when promoting units to officers. Not promoting a respected unit or promoting a unit low in status can lead to friction within dorms. STARs will occasionally develop in-group rules involving physical punishments. It is recommended to allow some Officers to own military weapons as Fetish objects to stabilize their Persona.[3]

CombatSTAR Logo.png[edit]

Shielded STAR.jpg

By the events of the game, almost all of the STAR units have been corrupted. These lost Replikas are usually armed with batons which they used during their time as guard units. Using Debug, we can see that they sport 55 hp, placing them between the late game Eules [4]and the Storchs [5]in terms of hp. These units sport extra speed, being able to quickly move towards you and swing their baton.

There are Officer STARs[1] who hold shields which they can use to block damage from most firearms. However, these shields offer no protection against the disposable stun prod or thermite flare. A revolver will knock back the shield with one shot, leaving the STAR vulnerable to follow-up attacks for a brief period. Using a rifle or a grenade shell will penetrate the shield and deal full damage.

The best way to handle the Regular STARs would be to use a shotgun at point blank range, however with the Officer STARs the rifle is able to penetrate their shields and thus is the better tool for the job.

Specific STAR Units SuS[edit]

In the game we learn details about specific STAR units across multiple notes.


S2305 is the Protektor on duty responsible for the Search Protocol document.


S2306 is who filed request form F-29. She is a guard in the Workers Quarters. She requests a repair on the door with the following details.

Service Object: Himmel Typ D Automatic Security Door

Location of Object: Worker Block A6 Corridor

Description: The lock on the staff door in A6 is jammed again. Requesting a locksmith.


S2320 is depicted on the Identification Card used to access the elevator, from the details on the card we can tell that she is a guard for the Hospital Wing, Level 3, for Cycles 3-9.[6]

STAR-S2333 "Tank"[edit]
Shooting Range.jpg

S2333 is depicted on the shooting range score board. She is given the nickname of Tank and is seen as scoring below Sieben [7]and Hunter.

Memory STAR S-2313 Art.png
STAR-S2313 "Hunter"[edit]

S2313 is shown having signed a STAR poster and has the nickname of Hunter. This poster is found within the Star Dorm North.

Hunter is also noted on the shooting range notes, seen as the number 1 shot in the facility acquiring the top 4 spots with scores of 60/60, 60/60, 60/60 and 52/60, placing above both Tank and Sieben.

Hunter Theories[edit]

Seeing as there is only one STAR in this room, it could be theorized that the STAR in the Dorm is all that remains of Hunter. It should be noted that, the STAR in the STAR North Dorm has no shield, which indicates that it is not an officer which could have been a point of issue for Hunter,[3] possibly why she was corrupted. Or suggest that this is not Hunter after all.

STAR DormsSTAR Logo.png[edit]

There are two STAR Dorms in the game, North and South.

Dorm North[edit]

STAR Dorm North is a small room with 3 Bunk Beds meaning up to 6 STARs could have stayed here during the facility's operation. There are 2 lockers, likely for what would have been the officers of this Cadre, there is also a desk in the bottom of the room where one can see a light and a STAR poster, this poster is signed by Hunter.

Dorm South[edit]

STAR Dorm South also just called STAR Dorm in Debug, is located directly below the ARAR Dorm and is accessed by jumping down from a massive hole in the bottom of the latter that connects to the STAR Dorm. This room has 4 Bunk Beds, meaning up to 8 STARs could have stayed here during the facility's operation. There are lockers next to each bed, as well as a desk on the far side of the door, on this desk there is a STAR poster. On the north side of the room there is a Heimat Poster which shows the units pride in the Revolution and the Nation in general.

STAR at the start of the Game (STAR-S23??)STAR Logo.png[edit]

Wounded star.png

In the ReEducation Wing of Sierpinski we come across a wounded STAR in the Aula. This star is the first NPC we meet in the game, Elster and her have the following conversation:

STAR: " Elster unit? You should leave this place. This facility is lost. Turn back before it's too late."

Elster: "I'm looking for this woman. Have you seen her?"

STAR: "I don't know her but she may be one of the workers. All Gestalt workers were sent to the mine below the facility. If she's still alive, she's probably down there. There's an access elevator to the mineshaft one level below, but you'll need an administrator's key to use it."

Speaking to her after the main dialogue she says the following:

"I'll be out of here as soon as this Repair Patch stops my bleeding. You should get out of here too. I don't know who that woman is, but she's probably dead by now. If you still want to go, good luck." "You're not a Protektor, so I can't tell you more than I already have. They'd decommission us both."

Her dialogue explains to Elster the means to finding Alina as well as the fact that she personally intends on leaving the facility. If you exit the room and reenter immediately, she will still be there; however, after progressing a bit you will find she is gone.

STAR with the Eule (STAR-S23??)STAR Logo.png[edit]


The wounded STAR in the mineshaft is named STAR-S23?? and is accompanied by an unnamed EULR. This STAR has several lines which reveal details about their relationship and themselves. Demonstrating a recovery of Gestalt Memories, and having developed a romantic relationship with the Eule.

Hey, don't cry. It'll be over soon.

Remember that time we went to the surface? The stars were so beautiful... I wish we could go there again.

Hey, listen. I'll let you in on a secret. I can remember my name, from my old life. Isn't that funny?

Don't you want to know it? Here, I'll tell you. It'll be our secret together. So you can stop crying, okay?

It'll be okay. Wherever it is I'm going. I'll wait for you there.

The room the duo is found in is referred in the Debug Mode as "Star Room". In the background audio of this room, one can hear the faint crying of the Eule. This can be better heard if one mutes the music.[8]

Also around the pair there is a Cadre of Replikas, including two Eules, and four Stars. The meaning of this could vary, however they are noticeably not corrupted.

Star Room Theories[edit]

A Theory about their fate is as follows.

Seeing as there is an entire Cadre here, this Cadre likely fled into this room for safety when the Infection overtook the mines, however due to lack of lighting or flashlights were unable to see the wires and thus ran into them, decimating the Cadre and heavily wounding the last STAR. After the Cadre slowly died trying to get to the corner, it left only the final pair of an Eule and a Star who were lovers, likely meaning they stayed close to each other during the frantic attempt to cross through the darkness. However the STAR was wounded, perhaps shielding the Eule from a wire, and the Eule dragged her, and the bodies of her Cadre over to the clearing, slightly before Elster arrives.

There is also another theory that the STAR here is the same as the STAR from the beginning of the game, seeing as that STAR and this one both share the question marks at the end of the name. This however could just mean that we simply don't know the STAR's number, as the STAR in the beginning of the game expressed her desire to leave the facility as soon as possible; it's counterintuitive that she would head for the Mines.

