S-23 Sierpinski

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S-23 Sierpinski is an AEON-run underground production and mining facility located on Leng, spanning nearly eight floors deep along with a mining complex. A majority of the game's setting takes place in Sierpinski, with the first two chapters having Elster navigate through the upper levels of the site, headed towards the mines. It makes a brief cameo after the fakeout ending, albeit a corrupted version of itself. The name is a reference to the Sierpiński triangle.

LoreSierpinski Triangle.png[edit]

General Information[edit]

The Nation utilizes forced labor camps scattered across Leng to imprison political dissidents, with S-23 Sierpinski being one of them. Here Gestalt prisoners are confined to cage beds and forced to work in either the mines or the factory, being surveilled at all times. Misconduct is punished harshly, ranging from doubled work shifts, to solitary confinement, and torture is commonplace if not protocol in places such as these. Its true nature is withheld from the public, as can be read from a pamphlet found in the lobby:

"You've been selected or have been elected to be relocated by AEON to S-23 Sierpinski. Located on Leng, at the frontier of the solar system, S-23 Sierpinski is the perfect place for a new beginning."

"At our prestigious ████████ vocational school facility, you will learn new skills to shape your future as a productive citizen of our wonderful Nation."
"Here you will learn all about mineral extraction, ore refinement and munitions production, helping the war effort against the remnants of the Empire." "And of course, learning is not just about theory - AEON lets you earn your share while practicing your new craft at the workplace!"

"Concerned about your family, friends, former colleagues? Ask a Protektor about our Ration-sharing plan. A portion of your Rationmarks will be sent to a beneficiary of your choice."[1]

However, a memorandum alludes towards the fact that such facilities have garnered a rather gruesome reputation:

"I announce the following, by order of AEON:"
"Due to recent events, in accordance with new AEON Public Interest Media Regulation AGM-87, the term ████████, which is currently in use in various AEON facilities, is no longer permissible and must no longer be used."
"Premises and departments that are currently using the term are to be IMMEDIATELY renamed."

"Management personnel shall black out the term from all signage and documents until replacement terminology is announced by AEON."
"With immediate effect, usage of the term in conversation and correspondence is an Offense (Obscenity to the State) to be punished with 2 cycles of double work shift."

"It may not be easy, but we all have to do our part here. Always remember: 'Our language shapes our world; a perfect world requires a perfect language.'"[2]

Owing to the purpose of such a facility, a majority if not all of the staff are Replikas. Notably, the head of S-23 Sierpinski is Falke, with Adler as her adjutant.


While the exact sequence of events is unknown, it can be speculated that it began sometime during the excavation of the mines, where an opening to the surface was discovered. While investigating the area, Falke crossed the Red Gate and ventured into the lands beyond, seemingly poisoning her mind when she returned.[3]

Not long afterwards, she entered a coma, effectively handicapping the facility. Meanwhile, as a result of her bioresonant capabilities the infection spread to the Kolibris, who were prone to causing an "emotional feedback loop... acting as a sort of amplifier," thus only worsening the situation.[4]

The facility fell into disarray as Replika and Gestalt alike succumbed to the disease, the former reincarnating as mindless husks. A quarantine order would be issued, yet it did little to contain the spread as tension flared among the remaining staff. Though the ultimate breaking point came when one of the Storch units broke into the Eule's dorm and destroyed their cassette recorder, leading to mass persona degradation and eventual corruption.[5]

With little to no support from the outside world, the remaining few uninfected Replikas would barricade themselves in, isolated from one another. This serves as the starting point for Signalis.

FloorsSierpinski Triangle.png[edit]

B1 - Reeducation

B2 - Worker Accommodations

B3 - New Medical Ward

B4 - Old Medical Ward

B5 - Service Level

B6 - Staff Accommodations

B7 - Protektor Accommodations

B8 - Controller Accommodations

TriviaSierpinski Triangle.png[edit]

  • The German Democratic Republic had a series of institutions within its youth welfare system called Spezialheime and Jugendwerkhöfe (transl. "Special Homes" and "Youth Work Camps" respectively) that were intended for the re-education of children considered "difficult to educate," i.e., social outcasts or political activists. The conditions of these places were abhorrent as inmates were subjected to a plethora of abuse such as assault, harassment, forced labor, and malnourishment.

ReferencesSierpinski Triangle.png[edit]

  1. Welcome to S-23 Sierpinski
  2. Memorandum: Terminology
  3. The Red Gate vaguely resembles a torii, a traditional Japanese gate prevalent within Shintoism. They're used to indicate a transition from the living world to the spiritual world.
  4. KLBR (Kolibri)
  5. Angry Note