The Grand Empress

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The Empress is a figure within Signalis' Lore that is mostly surrounded in Mystery. Being the founder of the Eusan Empire, the creator of the Replikas, and a very powerful Bioresonant [1]she holds much importance in the history of the universe.


The Foundation of the Empire, The Empress[edit]

We know that the foundation of the Empire was a direct result of the Grand Empress' Actions. As she used her vast Bioresonant powers to create the first Replikas, as well as likely using the Bioresonant Ability to influence others minds[2] to bend all of humanity under her control. This caused her to establish a new unified state, the Eusan Empire. We know about this from the Song of the Gods Banned Book

Her (The Grand Empress) immense will bent humanity into the Empire of Eusan and lifted us to the stars. It was her power that imbued life into the first of the machine-servants that now carry the weight of the Empire on their carbon-steel backs.[1]

She also likely used her powers to Klimaform Buyan in order to build the Imperial Palace which now stands as the seat of the Imperial Government.

Possibility of the Empress being the Same as the Icon of Knowledge[edit]

Within Nowhere there is a Shrine to an Empress, in the code this is known as the Icon of Knowledge and it is also the location where we get the Plate of Knowledge. Seeing how it refers to the Empress and there is only one known Empress in the Lore there is a high chance that it is referring to the same Empress we know.

If this is the case then the Empress' Hand note can give us some clarity about her rule.

On the first day she was crowned,

On the longest day nothing was done,

On the next day she was wed,

On the last day she took her life.

This document is used for the Puzzle regarding the rings and the Empress in order to obtain the Plate of Knowledge. If this document is to be believed then she used her power to become the Empress of Humanity, did nothing for quite some time after being crowned, married someone and then finally died.

With the rooms funeral parlor-esque aesthetic as well as the decayed form of the body on which we place rings, it is quite likely that this room exists in memorial of the now deceased Empress.