Adler (ADLR-S2301)

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Adler is an ADLR unit Replika working in the S-23 Sierpinski facility. He is one of the primary antagonists, serving as an enemy of sorts to both Elster and Isa. His motives seem to be that he desires for both of them to stop trying to break the cycle, since each time Elster enters the red gate, reality corrupts a little bit more. However, he seems unable to offer any real resistance against the two of them, as in all times he fights the duo, he is wounded.

Adler's Diaries[edit]

Here he would write in his diary about the events occurring in the facility prior to the events of the game, as it slowly succumbed to the distortion. These notes portray a Adler very different then the one we are used to. First, one who is bored but normal, then scared and doesn't really know what is going on. Over the course of these diary entries, we slowly watch this old Adler turn into the Adler we know by the events of the game.

At the end of the game, in a secret version of Adler's Study, are three different versions of similar journals, documenting the start of a time loop of seven days. The third journal, describing Loop 2, is the same as the journal found in his study during Act 1.


Date 84-21-6[edit]

I have been fascinated by a peculiar piece of furniture I discovered in storage: A strange box with a removable dial in the front that was confiscated from a worker some time ago.[1] I was instantly drawn to it, though I'm not sure why. When I put my ear on the mechanism, I can hear it faintly clicking, like a clock[2]

Here he talks about the Astrolabe and how it was confiscated by a Protektor in the past. This entry is always the same in all three journals, as an anchor point for the loops.

Date 84-21-7[edit]

Met with Kolibri to review the latest additions to the facility staff. As usual, it ended in an extended argument — no matter what I do, that woman just always has to have the last word. Still, we both agreed that the LSTR unit was a good investment, so no adjustments will need to be made for now.

In this entry, he talks with one of the Kolibri about a new LSTR unit that arrived at S-23, to investigate the mines[3].

Date 84-21-8[edit]

Another boring day. Even the paperwork is uninteresting and trivial lately. On the way back to my room, I saw another new STAR unit hit her head on a door frame.

An entry highlighting ADLR units' propensity to boredom[4], and STAR units' unusual height[5].

Date 84-21-9[edit]

Had to go down to the mining site today for the scheduled inspection. The new Elster unit was showing some surveying equipment to me, when something she said about planets and stars suddenly made me realize what that dial reminded me of — an astronomical calendar. I will have to investigate further at once now that my shift is over.

This entry proves that the LSTR unit was physically present at S-23, during the initial bootstrap of the time loop.

Date 84-21-A[edit]

The little enigma of that box could only distract me from the dullness of work for so long. All the box contained was a small notebook, of which all pages turned out to be blank. While the mechanism is fascinating, I'm not quite sure what to do with the box yet. Would it make a nice gift for the Commander? Maybe I should ask Kolibri what she thinks.

In this note, life at S-23 seems normal, with Kolibri and Falke not impacted by the events that will soon come.

Date 84-21-B[edit]

In a fit of adventurousness, I decided to try something new for dinner and promptly regretted it — I could barely stomach the taste. Such a detestable combination of sweet and savoury, it made me sick.

Another normal note, with Adler attempting to cure his intense boredom.

Date 84-21-C[edit]

Another diary filled, for no benefit but my own satisfaction. I've not ordered a new one yet, since I spent my saved Rationmarks on that marvelous-looking fountain pen, but I guess I'll make use of that notebook...

He denotes how he has finished the diary, and how he bought a pen to write further entries. Before deciding to write in the new journal he got from within the Astrolabe. This Diary is Golden Yellow.[6]

This entry is always the same in all three journals, as an anchor point for the loops.

Loop 1[edit]

Date 84-21-6[edit]

I have been fascinated by a peculiar piece of furniture I discovered in storage: A strange box with a removable dial in the front that was confiscated from a worker some time ago. I was instantly drawn to it, though I'm not sure why. When I put my ear on the mechanism, I can hear it faintly clicking, like a clock

Date 84-21-7[edit]

Met with Kolibri to review the latest additions to the facility staff. Halfway through the meeting, she stormed out of the room for no discernable reason. While incredibly rude of her, I didn't particularly mind, since I've had quite the annoying head-ache ever since morning.

The Kolibri must have seen his memories of LSTR-S2301[7], a memory he retained in this loop, but something Kolibri did not remember at all. Adler also complains about a headache, which could be related to the memories he's retained.

Date 84-21-8[edit]

I had a dream tonight, the first one in a long time. There was a young woman, her hair white as snow, and I was conducting some sort of test. I had a deck of cards with astronomical symbols on them, but I can't remember what I was doing with them.

This entry describes his Gestalt life, but he doesn't have enough details to figure this out yet...

Date 84-21-9[edit]

Had to go down to the mining site today for the scheduled inspection. We're still waiting for that new LSTR unit we ordered — the shipment was delayed by several cycles — but the excavation progress is still on schedule, so it shouldn't be a problem as long as no more staff gets sick.

At this point, the sickness is already starting to happen, since Falke already entered the red gate in the previous timeline and is now lying on her bed. Also, because of this, LSTR-S2301 was either not ordered at all[8], or was delayed because the sickness put the station on quarantine.

Date 84-21-A[edit]

I finally managed to open that strange box. Sadly, all it contained was a small notebook, of which all pages turned out to be blank. For some reason, I feel like I somehow knew beforehand, as if I already opened the box before. Did I dream it?

Alder is starting to experience déjà vu from memories from the previous timeline.

Date 84-21-B[edit]

Apparently, there's more rumors of an infectious disease spreading among the Gestalt workers. Could it be another flu outbreak? The timing is quite concerning...

Alder possibly makes loose connections between the infections and the mining site excavations.

Date 84-21-C[edit]

Another diary filled, for no benefit but my own satisfaction. I've not ordered a new one yet, since I spent my saved Rationmarks on that marvelous-looking fountain pen, but I guess I'll make use of that notebook...

Loop 2[edit]

Date 84-21-6[edit]

I have been fascinated by a peculiar piece of furniture I discovered in storage: A strange box with a removable dial in the front that was confiscated from a worker some time ago. I was instantly drawn to it, though I'm not sure why. When I put my ear on the mechanism, I can hear it faintly clicking, like a clock

Date 84-21-7[edit]

Without Kolibri's help, it has become much harder to coordinate the logistics cadre. If there is anything good to say about that woman, it is how she knows how to make others respect her orders, despite her minuscule stature. I want to see her today, but her room is still locked. [9]

The Kolibri are already starting to turn corrupted, or at least in an unstable enough state to refuse to work.

Date 84-21-8[edit]

I had a dream tonight. Another memory of my Gestalt life I believe - I was wearing my uniform. There was a young woman, her hair white as snow, and I was conducting some sort of test. I had a deck of cards with astronomical symbols on them, and asked her to guess the planet on the card I was holding[10]

In this note, he describes what is likely Persona Degradation or Gestalt Memory Resurfacing. It seems as though his old Gestalt life was once one of an investigator who administered Bioresonance Tests. It is strongly suggested that the person he is interrogating is Ariane, since a similar important puzzle plays out with these tarot cards in Act 3.

Date 84-21-9[edit]

I was playing with that mechanical lock box again, of which I am now sure is some kind of astronomical calendar, when I suddenly remembered a conversation I had with another Replika when I was inspecting the mining site. However, it was clearly a model I have never seen before - some type of engineer with an orange chest-piece. In my memory, she was just another member of our staff, but no such Replika was ever stationed on Sierpinski. Replika memory is not the most reliable, they say — but never before have I experienced such a strange phenomenon

Alder still remembers Elster (LSTR-S2301), whose conversation originally helped him discover that it was an astronomical calendar. But, logically, he cannot fit the pieces together because no LSTR unit current exists in the facility.

Date: 84-21-A[edit]

The little enigma of that box could only distract me from the chaos around me for so long. All the box contained was a small notebook, of which all pages turned out to be blank. It has been miserable since our beloved Commander has fallen ill. I long for her stern guidance, that overwhelming authority in which she bathes a room.[11]

Adler opens the Astrolabe (again) and find the empty notebook, but describes the situation in the facility as "chaos", as the corruption spreads further.

Date 84-21-B[edit]

More sick, making my work ever harder. How are we meant to shoulder this workload with no reinforcements? My only consolation is that as our Protektor staff decreases, so does the workforce we oversee. While more and more Replika end up in the hospital wing, Gestalt workers seem to succumb much too fast for any attempts at treatment

Gestalt workers are starting to die, while Replikas end up in their half-dead state. The situation is already dire at this point.

Date 84-21-C[edit]

Another diary filled, for no benefit but my own satisfaction. I've not ordered a new one yet, since I spent my saved Rationmarks on that marvelous-looking fountain pen, but I guess I'll make use of that notebook...

The 84-21-D Entries[edit]

All of these entries are marked as "Date 84-21-D".

I've started yet another new diary. How time flies! The work is dull and monotonous as ever in Sierpinski, but a bright light illuminates my day: Today, I was invited to a meeting by Commander Falke, and she was as magnificent as ever.

This seems to indicate another Date 84-21-6 at the start of a loop. It is unknown how many loops have occurred at this point, since he describes Falke as being normal and not in a coma.

Another day passes. During my meeting with the Commander today, I felt the strangest sensation of familiarity as I sat with her. Sadly our meeting was interrupted by an unexpected power outage.

This appears to be another 84-21-6 at the start of the next loop. This note also describes the power outages which we see by the events of the game, showcasing that as the loop continues, it changes the world with each turn.

Never before have I felt so strongly the sensation of déjà vu as I have these past few days

When I checked the pages of my diary today, I noticed that for some inexplicable reason, I seen to have dated my previous entries with today's date. What an embarrassing mistake.

Every day feels a bit like I've lived it before, and even stronger is the sensation that something is, somehow, just slightly out of place

Why is my diary filled with entries I cannot recall writing? Why are they all dated to today? Has the loss of my beloved Commander finally gotten to my mind? Am I going insane? I fear what will happen to me if anyone finds out... I am alone in this. If they discover my notes, I'll be decommissioned, too.

In this note he finally fully realizes the nature of the cycle, but also denotes that the Commander has fallen sick suggesting that the cycle is changing over time. He is afraid of the cycle and what would happen to himself, and believes himself alone in this situation.

Something is wrong - I can feel it. Is this really madness? When I read the pages of my diary, I recall events that never happened. A yesterday that never was, yet it feels as real as the one I actually experienced. This cannot merely be a defect of my mind.

It feels as though in this room, I peer into another version of reality. How? I do not know. Perhaps I, too, have become sick like the others, without realizing. But I will not succumb.

A slow accumulation of reproduction errors - a gradual corruption of information - a story, misremembered, slowly morphing with each retelling-like genetic material, mutating and evolving - like the Replika mind, copied over and over from an aging template.

He is describing the situation quite well for somebody who does not understand what is going on.

I do not know, but I will find out.

The answers lie below. I can feel it. Someone or something calls for me there, in the mine.

Impartial Knowledge (Theory)[edit]

Impartial Knowledge Theory states that Adler only knows what his diaries tell him, thus his knowledge of the loops is heavily flawed. As of such taking him as a solid reference for understanding the nature of the loops is a flawed perspective. And indicates that his own opinions on the cycle and his statements regarding the fruitless nature of Elster's actions are made without strong knowledge on the truth.

Answers from The Flesh Below (Theory)[edit]

This theory states that Adler descended down into Nowhere in pursuit of answers and due to this decision found the scale of his corruption greatly increase, before becoming the Adler we know now who wishes to kill Isa and Elster. Becoming an agent of the King in Yellow as he is represented by the allusions to the Pallid Mask,

Sieben’s Notes[edit]

Sieben details in her notes about Adler having been lost while she attempts to reinforce the facility[12]. Signifying that during the decay of the facility Adler was not a major help to the other Replikas a piece of information that is reinforced by his diary where he details himself spending most of his time on the Astrolabe

Adler's Cycle[edit]

Some point before the game, and likely after his final diary entry, Adler returned to the cycle. In this cycle, he would perform certain tasks over and over again such as pushing Elster down the elevator (It is theorized that Adler killed Elster around 75-79 times by pushing her down the elevator, if one uses math to calculate the number of dead bodies. [13]) and fighting Isa in the Mines. He would repeat this action every cycle until the one that occurs within the events of the game.

Events During the Game[edit]


We are first introduced to Adler following the Mynah Boss fight, he welcomes Elster into the facility following the player defeating the Boss.

ADLER "A visitor."

ADLER "Welcome to our facility."

ADLER "You've caught us at an unfortunate time."

ADLER "How can I help you?"

ELSTER "I'm looking for a Gestalt."

ADLER "A worker at our facility?"

ADLER "Let me see that picture."

ADLER "Alina Seo."

ADLER "I believe she's one of our factory workers."

ADLER "However..."

Elster gives Adler the photograph of Alina Seo as well as the West Wing Key which upon seeing he discards and then pushes Elster down an elevator shaft saying:

ADLER "You shouldn't have returned."

Elster falls down the elevator before landing on a pile of dead versions of her, filling the entire shaft from the 6th to the 5th Floor.

Fight Against Isa[edit]

The next time we see Adler is when he discovers Isa is attempting to enter Falke's quarters. He approaches Isa, claiming to offer assistance, but Isa is clearly suspicious of his intentions.

ISA "Hello?"

ISA "Is anyone here? I'm looking for my sister!"

ADLER "I'm afraid the Commander won't receive any visitors at the moment."

ADLER "But perhaps I can be of assistance instead."

ISA "...who're you?"

ADLER "I'm the administrator of this facility."

ADLER "Please, there's no reason to be afraid."

ADLER "I'm just here to help."

Following this Isa runs away and it is assumed that Adler gives pursuit.

Later, Elster gains access to Adler's quarters in B8 - Controller Accommodations. She takes Adler's Administrator's Key and uses it to enter the elevator to The Mines.

Isa continues running from Adler, who gets a rifle and searches for her in the mines.

ADLER "I know you're here."

ADLER "I've done this countless times before."

ADLER "You don’t belong here."

Isa then sneaks up on Adler and stabs him in the right eye, causing him to fall into the hole as well as drop his rifle which she then takes.

At the Gate[edit]

Elster finds Adler sitting at the red gate in Nowhere, with Isa's knife still stabbed in his eye. He tells Elster that Falke crossed the gate and fell sick afterwards.

ADLER "It's impossible to move on."

ADLER "I have been here so many times, but I have never returned."

ADLER "The Commander never spoke about what she saw out there."

ADLER "I'm sure whatever it was, it was what made her fall sick."

ADLER "Something about her changed when she returned."

ADLER "She was no longer our beloved Leader Falke."

ADLER "What waits beyond the threshold?"

ELSTER "It doesn't matter."

Elster then ignores his warnings and crosses the gate anyway, leaving Adler behind. As she continues beyond the gate (into what is known as Eternity in the code) we see an image of Adler and Falke at the red gate before Elster is fatally damaged.

"I Wear No Mask"[edit]

Following Elster's revival we see a shot of Rotfront where Adler sits on the side of Falke's Quaters, here he makes several statements about the nature of the decay which reveal his own corruption, before kissing Falke and succumbing to the Corruption himself becoming a corrupted version of himself.

ADLER "You've changed."

ADLER "It's like everything was taken apart and put back together by someone who doesn't understand how it works."

ADLER "I wear no mask."

Final Confrontation[edit]

After Elster defeats Falke and continues back to the gate she is met by Adler who was waiting at the red gate. He tries to stop Elster from crossing, fearing that the world will be destroyed if she does.

ADLER "You've returned."

ADLER "Are you really willing to go through with this once more?"

ADLER "You've seen what happens."

ADLER "This world cannot take much more."

ADLER "This may be our last chance."

ADLER "If you go back, it'll all fall apart."

ADLER "I can't let that happen."

ADLER "You selfish monster."

Adler stabs Elster in the eye, and she shoots Adler with a pistol. Both Adler and Elster are mortally wounded, and Adler falls to the floor. He repeats his warning to Elster as she crosses the gate.

ADLER "You'll destroy... everything."

Adler's Dorm[edit]

Adler's Dorm is a location on the 8th floor of S-23 and was his personal Room in S-23. it is connected to his personal office.

Looking around his room one will find it is quite dark, on his desk is a file about his unit type and behind his bed is a poster of Falke. Finally the door leading into his personal office is decorated with a mural of a Eagle of which he is named after.

In his office one can find it is quite a mess and filled with papers, one such paper is the Replika information page for LSTR units, showcasing his desire for answers by looking into Elster. There is also his Diary as well as the Astrolabe around the Astrolabe is several playing cards with symbols that we see used in several other puzzles by primarily the Rotfront Mondenkind Puzzle and the Plates within Nowhere, these symbols seem to hold correlation with specific planets.

TheoriesADLR Logo.png[edit]

Theory Suspected Gestalt-Nikolai[14][edit]

Nikolai is a gestalt mentioned in the medical database who is believed to be the Gestalt of Adler.

Evidence For[edit]

  • Why introduce a random man with no plot relevance in the medical database? This man must have some level of significance to be included.
  • Adler and Nikolai when put directly next to each other look rather similar, showing some kind of relation.
  • Nikolai is a writer and Adler shows interest in not only pens but also in writing in his diary.
  • Adler's gestalt met Ariane and Nikolai living in the same cell block as Ariane seems to connect them.

Evidence Against[edit]

  • The Medical Database is filled with charecters with limited plot importance, for example Ang, Gabriele or Gao, Waltraud two people who have no known connection anywhere else in the plot.
  • Adler and Nikolai looking alike is perhaps the strongest evidence however it does have a hole that being that almost all Replika's look very similar to each other bar some minor changes,
  • Adler does show interest in a pen, however in his Replika Overview and Issues page there is nothing mentioned of having any care for pens or writing in general, rather it just states that he will need new fetish objects constantly
  • The Diary Entry seems to disprove it as why is a writer in a uniform, and why is a writer doing a test to Ariane?
    • "I had a dream tonight. Another memory of my Gestalt life I believe - I was wearing my uniform. There was a young woman, her hair white as snow, and I was conducting some sort of test. I had a deck of cards with astronomical symbols on them, and asked her to  guess the planet on the card I was holding"
    • This is likely Adler's Gestalt doing a Bioresonance test on Ariane
  • The Existence of KLBRs (Generation 6) while both the Interrogator and Nikolai were around
  • Nikolai being younger then Isa and Erika

Adler is overtaken by the King[edit]

Adler throughout the game seems to change greatly from the diaries to the first cycle to the end, he goes from scared and confused, cautious and opposing, to boldly against Elster. A possible explanation of this could be found from the reference that Adler plainly quotes upon being corrupted "I Wear No Mask" this quote stated by the Pallid Mask from the King in Yellow was said by a character who is heavily suggested to be a messenger of the King or in some interpretations a manifestation of the literal King himself. If we understand from the Diaries that Adler went down into the mines to speak to the Flesh to find answers, and combine it with his models weakness to Bioresonance it could suggest that he upon going down there became infested by the King and thus his actions in the first act of the game are done out of the false truth he was told.

But the degree of this corruption seems to increase greatly following Elster's revival, before her revival Adler stated that he's never returned from the gate. This is not only proof of the finality of this cycle but also proof that the Adler we see beyond this point isn't truly himself anymore rather is just a vessel. This is even more supported by his composure in the final confrontation, here he stands bold before the gate and openly antagonizes Elster with a degree far beyond what we've seen from his earlier actions.

Cut Boss Fight[edit]

Originally it seems as though Adler would have been a boss fight for the player to go against, likely either being the final fight of the game, or a fight that occurs during the Battle with Falke. Not much remains of this fight, however in the Xbox Build we can find a location called Somewhere, this likely would have been where we would've fought Adler.