Replika Known Issues, Part 3

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Replika Known Issues, Part 3 is a memory which can be acquired in the Library on level B8 of S-23 Sierpinski. It contains information about the MNHR and ADLR Replika Units.


「Replika Known Issues, Part III」

- CLASSIFIED INFORMATION - Commander Eyes Only -

Previous experience with these Replika models has given us insight into irregularities in their behavior that stem from the original neural patterns used for these units. Due to the sensitive nature of this information, this document should be destroyed after reading.

This neural pattern is extremely stable. Little has to be done to keep Mynahs happy. They get along well with most other models thanks to their sometimes submissive, sometimes motherly personality. Unlike other models, diary-keeping is not mandatory for Persona stabilization. Small stuffed animals may be given as Fetish objects, though those resembling cats should be avoided as they might cause resurfacing Gestalt memories.

Adler units work best when left alone. They do not mix well with their own type. They will usually become very emotionally dependent on their Commander. Adlers are very susceptible to bioresonant suggestion, making them fairly easy to control. However, they become bored very easily and may need new Fetish objects at regular intervals for stabilization.



Version History[edit]