Radio signal encoded images

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There are several hidden images encoded in the radio signals in Signalis. Using a method to decode SSTV, we can translate the audio into a video signal.

How to generate an image from a signal[edit]

To decode the image streams from the the radio, you first need to output the game audio into an external program.

This is typically done using a virtual cable such as VB-Audio Cable.

Once the audio can be outputted, the images can be a decoded by a SSTV program like MMSSTV.

Known SSTV Signals[edit]

Bild 1[edit]

Received by decoding the signal on floors B5-B8 at 96 Hz.

The caged room is Isolation on floor B2, the location of the Key of Love.

Bild 2[edit]

A picture of Saturn Devouring His Son can be decoded from a signal received on level B3 at 64 Hz.

The painting is then found on level B8 - STCR Dorms, next to the bookshelf with the Key of Eternity.

Bild 3[edit]

Can be decoded from a signal broadcast at 240 Hz, received upon returning to Sierpinski after crossing the Threshold in Nowhere.

A heavily distorted photo of the bookstore backroom on Rotfront, the location of the Key of Sacrifice

See Also[edit]