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WARNING: The following may contain spoilers about SIGNALIS, proceed at your own risk.

General information[edit]

In SIGNALIS every planet uses it's own calendar. The year-length appears to be standardized across the planets thus using Medical Database it's possible to link calendars on one planet with another.

PKZ numbers using Vineta calendar (YYMMDD) uses last 2 digits of the year, it is possible it also applies to other planets, thus other than Rotfront it's not possible to know how long ago they were colonized.


Rotfront uses both YYS MMP d and YY.MMd. YY-MM-DD is used for better readability:

  • -6-20-A Roswita Fong born on Vineta, 6 years before foundation of Rotfront. She is Bioresonant and has insomnia. She was a Replika Techinician.
  • 01-56-D Gabriele Ang born on Rotfront.
  • 02-76-B Waltraud Gao born on Rotfront.
  • 08-12-B Rebecca Liang born on Vineta (50-01-06). She is one of surviving squad-mates of Gestalt LSTR (Elster) was based on.
  • 10-62-A Ulrike Kho born on Kitezh (52-07-02). Her doctor's notes were removed.
  • 14-52-C Isolde Itou and Erika Itou born on Vineta (56-05-24).
  • 18-06-A Ariane Yeong born on Leng (59-21-D). She is Bioresonant and has insomnia. Her doctor's notes were removed.
  • 18-15-A Siegfried Yi born on Rotfront.
  • 21-22-C Nikolai Nguyen born on Rotfront.
  • 29-39-B Saskia Li born on Rotfront.
  • 34-39-C Ariane Yeong graduates from school[1].
  • 43-06-A Ariane Yeong turns 25 (Leng 84-21-D)*.

S-23 Sierpinski (Leng)[edit]

S-23 Sierpinski is located on Leng. While S-23 Sierpinski might use it's own calendar because it's a military facility, it is likely that it uses Leng calendar.

  • 84-21-D Start of the loop


  • Cycle 225, note obtained during 4th visit to Penrose.
    • When I signed up for this mission, I just wanted to get away from everything. I was sick of Rotfront, of school, of the photo store. Sick of the fake smiles and the whispering behind people's backs.
    • When I saw the photo of that soldier, I wondered who she was. Was she happy? Was her family proud of her? Did her comrades love her? Since we looked alike, could I have been like her? But in the end, I just wanted to leave.
    • Nothing I had done or made ever meant anything to anyone, so why bother? Here, I am finally free.
    • I get to be by myself, and to do what I want. I can finally be happy.
  • Cycle 0570. Note obtained during 1st visit to Penrose, right after the start of the game. Not a complete deciphering as garbled text is not part of code in English/German, meaning is the same.
    • Woke up from cryo sleep
    • in the empty mess hall. I was wondering
    • about Elster was looking out the flight deck.
    • She looked like some one lost in thought.
    • Sometimes I feel like this is our home now.
  • Cycle 648. Note obtained during 4th visit to Penrose.
    • Talked some more to the Elster unit. She's different from replikas I knew back home, nothing like my teachers or the Blockwart Protector. i know she didn't have a choice, but it feels like she's also here because she didn't fit in. It's like we've run away from the world together.
    • At first, I didn't like having someone around, and I was glad that she's quiet and didn't approach me. But lately, I've missed having someone I can talk to. It's been so long since I've last seen another person.
    • I never thought I'd miss it. Except her, everything is the same in here, always. Nothing ever changes.
  • Cycle 1294. Note obtained during 4th visit to Penrose.
    • Had a strange dream. I was listening to the radio with my mother. Like back then, the numbers were on, and mother was taking notes with a book on her lap. It was that book I saw in the shop window of the bookstore where the twins lived, the one with a yellow hooded figure on the cover. When I went there to buy it, it was gone, and Erika said the Protectors had confiscated it.
    • Or was it Isa? I can't remember...
  • Cycle 1500. Note obtained during 4th visit to Penrose.
    • By our calculations, 1500 cycles of mission time will have passed when you receive this message. Congratulations, Comrade! By now, you should have become fully acclimatized to your new life onboard your ship.
    • As you approach the Oort Cloud, your search for new worlds will begin. Utilizing the long-range sensors, you will scout for valuable resources, habitable worlds, or signs of alien life. Remember to rely on your Replika to assist you in maintaining your vessel. We all wish you great success in your mission.
  • Cycle 1840. Note obtained during 4th visit to Penrose.
    • Everything is always the same. I feel like I'm trapped inside this ship. I know every bolt on every panel in every room of it. I've seen everything, I've done everything there is to do in here.
    • I can't concentrate on anything. It's like there's this fog inside my head, and whenever I try to do anything, I just can't focus. I want to go outside, I want to breathe fresh air, I want to feel wind on my face and in my hair.
  • Cycle 2503. Note obtained during 4th visit to Penrose.
    • I think I lost more hair. I'm sitting here, getting older. Every time I wake up, I feel older, weaker, sicker. I get out of breath so easily lately, and my back hurts when I sit down. How much longer will this go on? It feels like I'm just slowly dying...
  • Cycle 3000. Note obtained during 4th visit to Penrose.
    • Congratulations, Comrade! You've survived 3000 cycles, reaching the final phase of the Penrose Program. With the end of the operational lifetime of your Replika unit approaching, it is time to prepare for the final phase of your mission.
    • If you have not found a suitable world for landing by this point, accept that you will not. Find solace in the thought that others might be successful where you failed. As you are probably aware, your ship's spare parts and rations will soon be depleted.
    • Life support systems and reactor shielding will soon begin to fail, and radiation may begin to leak from the cooling system. We recommend you do not attempt to prolong your suffering by reusing old filters or rationing supplies.
    • Instead, make peace with your fate. We suggest that you ask your Replika, while it is still functional, to spare you a slow and agonizing death, or that you take permanent rest in the cryogenic pod.
    • Remember, you will die having served your Nation by partaking in a glorious demonstration of our power.
  • Cycle 5309. Note obtained during 4th visit to Penrose.
    • I'm tired of it all. Every time I go to sleep, I wonder if I'll wake up again. I'm scared that it'll be the last time I said good night to her. Did I say it right? Will she be okay? What if one of us just won't wake up tomorrow?
  • Cycle 5434. Note obtained during 4th visit to Penrose.
    • I don't want to die, I don't want to live anymore either. Everything is just so exhausting. I just want to lie down and disappear.
  • Cycle 5555. Parts of the note obtained during both 3rd and 4th visit to Penrose. During the 3rd visit, after Elster loots the armor, the note changes[2]
    • lost another tooth[3]
    • there was so much blood
    • my hands were shaking
    • why is my hair falling out
    • i can't sleep
    • i just want to sleep[4]
    • please just let me sleep
    • please, just make it stop[2]
    • please
  • Cycle 262144. Note obtained during 3rd visit to Penrose.
    • no longer can tell whether awake or asleep anymore. everything hurts. my vision is blurry and my fingers hurt. my back hurts. my feet hurt. my teeth hurt. my eyes hurt, everything hurts, all the time. i can't go on any longer

Notes without known cycle:[edit]

  • Cycle ?. Note obtained during 2nd visit to Penrose.
    • Technical Service Record, Scout Officer Yeong Ariane
    • Officer's Note: I've adjusted the ship's internal clock to run slightly slower. By my calculations, each cycle should be exactly 6.13% longer, simulating what I believe is the length of a "day" on Vineta.
    • I wonder if Elster will notice the difference.
    • Judging from her accent, I'm sure that she's Vinetan. She pronounces "Ship" just like Isa and Eri used to. It's very cute. Hearing her speak makes me dream of the ocean... I wonder if I'll ever get to visit something like it. Maybe on a distant world?
  • Cycle ?. Note obtained during 2nd visit to Penrose.
    • Running out of ochre paint. Elster laughed when I told her! Now I have to mix it myself - so annoying.
    • I still haven't read a whole bunch of those manuals... I feel like they gave me enough to read for the rest of my life.
    • Most of them are boring technicals, anyway.
    • They could have given us more films to watch instead. Half of them are war films, which Elster doesn't like, and the other half are kitschy propaganda dramas.