Erika Itou

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Erika Itou is the twin sister of Isa Itou, and the subject of the formers search.

Erika General Information[edit]

Erika Itou is known to have been a twin sister to Isa, however from her Medical Database photo it seems as though she had slightly longer hair. [2]

Erika Itou was the one who interrupted the bullies from bullying Ariane in the Library, a fact which seems to bother Isa even by the events of the game.

She was once one of the many Gestalts (Non-Replika humans) that lived in Rotfront, in Rotfront Sektor C, she was employed as an assistant in her parent's book store.

She was born on Vineta in 14S 52P and died sometime before the events of the game.

Erika's Fate (Theory)[edit]

Erika's fate is largely unknown, however there are some theories that suggest what could have happened to her to cause her demise by the events of the game. One such theory pertains to the Library scene. In the Library Scene we observe Ariane being bullied by a group of Girls. We know from the text that flashes on screen which is believed to be from Isa's perspective that Erika would arrive and save Ariane from this attack, however if one observes the uniform of these gas masked bullies one would notice that one of them is wearing a sash of sorts.

If this sash indicates seniority in a club or part of society it could be assumed that they are a higher up in the Eusan Nation's Daughter and the result of attacking such a person likely wouldn't go well in the societies eyes.

The result of this was likely Erika being punished for her actions, the degree of punishment is unknown as she could have been sent to ReEducation on Leng, or just flat out killed.

This is supported by how all photos of Erika are corrupted or destroyed to a degree, representing the states desire to Erase her.

From the family's perspective Erika was dead, either because she actually did die or because the State told them she was. Though this conclusion likely was not accepted by Isa and thus why Isa went on her own journey in the first place, it seems to have been accepted by their Mother as can be seen from the shrine.

A counter theory raises the issue of the age differences between the Itou's and Ariane and suggest that from the time they would have graduated to when Ariane graduated it creates a bit of a issue with the timeline, as how could Ariane graduate years later and not know the fate of her friends. There are a couple of possible explanations

  1. Ariane knows her friends are deceased however chooses not to write about it in any notes or diaries, unlikely seeing as Ariane references them in a couple of notes and likely would've expressed remorse
  2. Ariane doesn't know what happened to the Itou's due to the State Erasing Erika, possible but Ariane and her mom were heavily connected to subversive activities and seeing as Ariane worked at the bookstore i doubt that she would've just cut ties
  3. The Itou's and Ariane are in the same grade. This could be explained by how in some school systems people of various ages would be in one classroom, to give credence to this idea is that the Itous are Vinetans and Ariane is from Leng and grew up in the mountains of Rotfront. These families are certainly not average and perhaps the schooling was just remedial. This could also be backed by how the state prioritizes the military and enlistment over anything else, thus the need for proper organized education only needs to teach loyalty and test which part of the military members would be be applied.


  1. Message_Inbox
  2. Medical Database - Erika Itou (4x).png