Solar System

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Holographic display of the inhabited solar system
Reunification poster depicting one of the Nations ground-based Orbital Defence Batteries on Vineta


Buyan Will Burn!
Vineta - Cradle of Mankind
Kitezh Awaits Liberation!
Rotfront - Hope for the Future
Heimat - Heart of the Revolution

There are various Nation propaganda posters found throughout S23 Sierpinski depicting the five other inhabited celestial bodies of the Solar System and their associated symbol, the image and accompanying slogans give us some extra insight into the environment and context for these locations within the setting.

It is possible the lack of a poster depicting Leng is due to the facility being set there, making it somewhat redundant.

Known Celestial Bodies and Satellites[edit]

The Sun[edit]

The unnamed star at the center of the Solar System, referred to in-game simply as the Sun.


The innermost inhabited planet of the Solar System, Capital of the Eusan Empire and home to the Imperial Palace.


The second inhabited planet of the Solar System and the 'Cradle of Humanity'. An ocean world under the control of the Eusan Nation since the Vinetan War, now acting as its frontline in the war against the Empire.

It is implied that orbital defence artillery on the planets surface can strike at both Buyan and Kitezh when their orbits bring either of the two planets into close proximity with Vineta.

Vineta's Moon[edit]

The uninhabited moon orbiting Vineta, similar in appearance to the moon orbiting Earth.

It is depicted on the cover of the Imperial Serial Millenium Königin ("Millennium Queen") as being whole, though scarred with a very large impact point and fractures. By the time of the Vinetan War, images depict it as shattered with fragments strung out across the night sky. This implies its shattering was a relatively recent event, likely a direct consequence of the ongoing conflict.


The third inhabited planet of the Solar System, an Imperial Planet referred to as 'The Red Desert' for its Mars-like terrain.

It is implied to be a resource-rich world associated with both mining and farming, and is home to a significant Imperial Navy presence that completely severs supply lines between the Nation and its forces on Vineta when their orbits bring the two planets into close proximity with each other.

Rotfront's Parent Planet[edit]

The fourth known planet of the Solar System, a gas giant similar to Jupiter referred to in-game only as 'Rotfront's planet'.

The giant anticyclonic storm visible in the planets atmosphere has come to be known as The Red Eye, based on how it appears to those inhabiting its moon of Rotfront, and has become rooted in folklore as symbolic of the ever-present surveillance by the Protekors and the tight grip of the central government on Heimat that has been endured by the population since the moon was first settled.


The fourth inhabited body in the Solar System, a moon colonised by the Nation within living memory and the focus of their expansion - Nation propoganda referring to it as the 'Hope for the Future'.

Despite its relatively recent settlement Rotfront is shown to be significantly developed; home to vast residential sectors, educational institutions, rail and communications infrastructure. Its population appears to still be largely comprised of first generation settlers originating from the other inhabited bodies of the Solar System, the colony's explosive growth possibly having benefitted from large numbers of refugees relocated due to the Vinetan War.

Rotfront Orbital[edit]

Rotfront itself is home to significant orbital facilities, though it is unknown if Rotfront Orbital refers to a single giant orbiting space-station or a network of them.

It is known that Rotfront Orbital is home to military facilities where Ariane Yeong completed her compulsory military service. It is also home to VEB Rotfront Orbital Hydroponics, a Volkseigener Betrieb responsible for the mass-production of rations on Rotfront. It is possible that in addition to feeding the population of Rotfront, the rations produced by VEB Rotfront Orbital Hydroponics also contribute to the supply convoys sent to supply Vineta.

Heimat's Parent Planet[edit]

The fifth known planet in the Solar System, a gas giant with orbiting rings of debris and dust similar to Saturn.

It is said that the view of the gas giants rings from Heimat make for a beautiful sight.


The fifth inhabited body in the Solar System, a moon depicted in Nation propaganda as the 'Heart of the Revolution' and home to the Eusan Nation's Government.

It is known that the central AEON Headquarters is among the Nation's institutions found on Heimat, the central authority overseeing the operations of all other local Commands across the Nation's territories. It is from here that Protektor Special Operations Units are dispatched in response to significant security threats, such as the team sent to AEON Kommando Rotfront Nord's Sektor C to investigate rumours of an Imperial Spy.


The outermost inhabited planet in the Solar System (the 6th and final inhabited celestial body), the frontier of the Solar System and home to the S23 Sierpinski facility.

Implied to be relatively remote and unpopulated, Leng seems the ideal location for AEONs S23 re-education and labour facility - where the inhabitants assigned there are reformed into 'productive citizens' and trained for roles in mineral extraction, ore refinement and munition production before being put to work in S23's mines and manufacturing, to supply munitions and material for the war effort against the Empire.

Leng Orbital[edit]

A geostationary orbital facility positioned above S23 Sierpinski and linked to the facility via a space elevator, presumably to optimise the regular high-volume export of S23's products.

It is known that S23 produces its own branded rations that can also be found on Rotfront, but large scale hydroponics and food processing are not listed among S23's facilities on Leng's surface. It is possible that these facilities are instead located on Leng Orbital, similar to such facilities on Rotfront Orbital. Perhaps this would be for security reasons to prevent labourers tampering with the food supply, for the unlimited space and stable environmental conditions compared to Leng's surface, and/or to more easily and directly export surplus food production to Rotfront and other worlds of the Eusan Nation.

Oort Cloud[edit]

The Oort Cloud is a theoretical vast cloud of icy planetesimals orbiting the Sun well beyond the heliosphere out in interstellar space.

It is theorised to exist as a reservoir to replenish and keep constant the number of long-period comets entering the inner Solar System, in order to explain the regular and frequent observations of such comets where otherwise their eventual and inevitable destruction during close approaches to the sun should have eventually depleted them.

To investigate the Oort Cloud for planets and moons fit for habitation or rich in natural resources was the stated objective of missions such as the Penrose-512.

Whether the Oort Cloud is still theoretical or is proven to exist in Signalis' setting is not explicitly stated.