Debug mode

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Debug mode can be enabled on PC versions of the game. This enables functionality that is not normally available, such as access to a debug console, and additional debug functionality via certain function keys.
The first time the player opens the debug console, with default settings, it will say the following:


Enabling Debug mode[edit]

Debug mode only works on PC versions of the game.

There are three methods currently available.

Nexus Mods[edit]

The DebugConsole mod on Nexus mods is more easily reversible, and therefore probably the better method for most people.

In-Game Method[edit]

Simply press F7 then type in "ausruinen", and then hit enter while in gameplay.

If Elster took damage, then it worked.

Manual Method[edit]

To unlock the console you'll need a hex editor, open the GameAssembly.dll file, search for

C6 41 19 00 48 8B 74

and change the first 4 bytes of the result to 90, so you should get

90 90 90 90 48 8B 74

Note that you need to be viewing the contents of the file as hexadecimal values, not another format. You may need to download a hexadecimal viewer/editor for this. [1]

How to use[edit]

F7: Use F7 to bring up the debug console. The debug console commands are the primary way to use it, although some of the Function keys also provide debug functionality directly.

Type 'help' into the debug console to see a list of available commands.

Note: most commands have no effect during first person sections of the game.

Console Commands[edit]

F7 toggles the console. While the console is open, use PgUp/PgDown to scroll, and tab to autocomplete a suggestion. Press up/down to select previously used commands.

Help Menu commands
command description
scouter show enemy hp
reset resets the game
give/remove <itemname/all> adds or removes item to the inventory. Note: to see a list of all items enter 'give' with no item name.
kami invincibility
buddha no death
hastur no damage
heal set hp to 100
ghost disable enemy ai
free enable freecam
ts <value> set timescale value. 0 causes the game to pause. 1 is the default value. 2 is double speed for everything in the game, etc.
ms <value> set mouse sensitivity
mute/unmute set master volume to 0
gamestate <state> force game state. Known state values: play, cutscene, dialogue (regular playing mode except player is stuck, used for parts where only dialogue is displayed on top of the normal game), eventscreen (1rst person moments), menu, paused and loading. Note: to see the current gamestate, enter 'gamestate', with no gamestate name. Also, the game will not like you tinkering with its gamestate, and will either softlock, or not do anything special.
lvl <int> load scene
goto <roomname> teleport to room. goto for list of rooms.
skip load next scene in build order
ui toggle ui overlay
stats show fps and debug data overlay
locale <language> set game language. Set to <ext> to enable non-essential loca.
raiden show equipment on character
fox toggle player model visibility
crt toggle fullscreen crt emulation
gif toggles film grain and vignette for better recording
retro <depth> set fullscreen restricted color depth dithering (0 to disable)
crosshair toggles the mouse aim crosshair
shake <value> sets the screen shake modifier
yubi switch aiming mode to hold or toggle. yubiyubi for quick aim
precursor toggle permanent mouse cursor with auto-turn
autoload toggle automatic reloading on an empty magazine
ether toggle plyer collision
radio toggle radio module
george <type> colourblind test mode: 0=off 1=protanopia, 2=deuteranopia, 3=tritanopia
pp <mode> set scaling mode: 0=pixel perfect, 1=letterboxed, 2=fit to screen
jtac toggle decal-based lasers
test load testing scene
funk toggles quick radio
licht toggles shoulder flashlight
smart adds all books to the memory system. Note: this includes books that are not normally added to memory, like notes in first person sections.
amnesia remove all books from the memory system
load <slot> load game slot
bag <slots> set inventory slots size
hausmeister unlocks all doors in the current level
lockpick unlocks the current door in range
intruder go to the level selector menu
panzer toggles retro tank-style controls
skill <value> set skill level
lawnmower infinite ammo.
nebel toggle volumetric fog effects
spiegel toggle realtime reflection effects
veil toggle complex enemy rendering effects.
kill kill all enemies in current rooms. kill all to kill all enemies in level
stegosaurus toggle savegame encryption
abfuhr toggle manual garbage collection
arsenal add all weapons to the inventory
dakka <float> set player damage modifier
integrity show current damage reduction modifier from integrity
boxall move current inventory contents to the storage box
schnecke toggle restricted sprint
daumen toggle sprint mode
gaumen toggle stick sprint mode
session show session id
null throws a deliberate nullreferror for test purposes
clear clears the cheat console history

Hidden Console Commands[edit]

There are console commands which do not show up in the help menu, but are functional. They are often found by using autocomplete (i.e. typing a letter in the debug console and hitting tab)

Hidden console commands
command effect
checkcheck outputs 'this is a safety violation.' Can be used in Penrose Memory to skip the checklist
mondenkind completes the moon phase puzzle in rotfront and opens the hole
hell <number> changes brightness levels between 0-infinity
schiff gives player character a military hat on their model.
end shows game stats related to the ending
timestate ???
flir toggles d-glitch
outfit <number> changes player appearance. valid numbers are 0-4
commands prints list of commands. same as help command
forcend <D,L,C> Adds 20 points to death, leave, or circle ending to game and returns lore text related to each ending
achtung prints a list of variables with true/false values that mark the completion of different achievements from a profile perspective
map reveals the map.

Function Keys[edit]

The function keys provide access to some debug functionality, some of which are just shortcuts to those present via the debug console, while some are only accessible via the function keys.

Function Key Effect
F2 Highlights all pickup items, notes, and shows status of some doors

on screen, while in normal gameplay (top-down view)

F3 show button inputs at the bottom of the screen
F4 show pixel grid layout
F5 hold to show mouse cursor
F7 Toggle debug console
F9 shows health, stamina, ??? modifier, and damage state
F10 removes visual effects for clarity (equivalent to gif command)
F12 shows gamestate, fps, and time (equivalent to stats command)

Unique Outputs[edit]

Some commands will output text that is unexpected, or unique to itself.

Command Input Text Output

Change History[edit]

Version 1.2[edit]
Some commands were changed. More documentation needed.
  • "fox" now toggles player model visibility
  • "help" and "commands" no longer return a list of commands and instead throw "Nothing can help you now."
Version 1.1[edit]
Some commands were changed. More documentation needed.
  • Commands 'help' no longer returns a list of commands.
Version 1.0[edit]
Debug mode was released
