Storch Sieben (STCR-S2307)

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"Failure is not an option."-Sieben[edit]

Sieben is the last noncorrupted Storch in the game, she is the Protektor Controller on her particular floor, likely meaning she is one of the higher ranking Replikas. She is seen armed with a shotgun.

She is the the author of the note About the Administrator, where Sieben coordinates the day and night shift controllers, reshuffling STCR and STAR units to serve both time slots in an attempt to organize the remaining units against the spreading mysterious disease.

Due to recent events, some Security Technicians will be serving both work shifts and night shifts.

Affected Guard Units: STAR-S2304, STAR-S2305, STAR-S2306, STAR-S2309.

Affected Controller Units: STCR-S2303, STCR-S2306,

Until an effective treatment is found, or reinforcements are sent from Heimat, we'll all have to stay strong and do our best to keep the facility secure. Failure is not an option.

-Storch Sieben (STCR-S2307)

She also notices Adler's mental decay and proposes a plan to try and pull the Kolibri in to help keep him in check.

P.S, Keep an eye on the Administrator unit. Since the incident, he's been acting stranger then usual. Without the commander to keep him in check, we will have to ask the Kolibri for help.

Her plans evidently fail to prevent the events of the game, as the facility has been lost, Adler is still deranged, and the Kolibri cadre has been reduced to one member. However, she is still alive by the events of the game, allowing the player to speak to her.

You don't look like you belong here. You're an Elster unit right? This facility is currently on lockdown. You shouldn't be here.

I'm the Protektor Controller on duty on this level. I don't know what kind of business you have here but as you can probably see, we've got bigger issues right now.

If you're looking for the Commander, I have bad news for you. She got sick, and everyone else is getting sick, too.

That's really all I know about it. I'm sure the Administrator knows more, but who knows where he is.

I'm not going out there. I'm waiting here for new orders. Until then I'm not taking any risks.

Unfortunately, Sieben is awaiting orders that are never coming due to the collapse of the command structure. Electing to resign herself to the Rationing Office, [1]it is likely she would die trying to fight the hordes with no real orders, organization, or reinforcements.

Her name, Sieben, means 7 in German. This is a reference to the last number in her unit name.

Sieben also appears on the Shooting Range Challenge Board. She hit 45/60, and was 5th Place, losing to STAR-S2313's four records above hers but beating a different STAR unit.[2]