Replika Units

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A Replika is a biomechanical, synthetic, and neural reproduction of a person.[1][2] Created by copying the neural pattern of a Gestalt to form a new Replika Unit, their memories are suppressed and their skills kept intact to preserve the Replikas predictability and productivity. Gestalts chosen by AEON to serve as a neural pattern are permanently cryogenically preserved and erased from public memory to serve Eusan Nation as an "incorruptible ideal".[2]

Replika Units are classified by a four letter acronym which describes their unique and most optimal role, and are named after birds: For example, the acronym in the Replika type ADLR (Adler) is fully written out as "Administration, Data Processing, Logistics Replika" (Administration-, Datenverarbeitung-, Logistik-Replika) and its designated bird is Adler, which translates from German to English as Eagle.[3] This can be repeated for the rest of the Replika types, such as the Ara translating from German to English as Macaw, and Elster translating as Magpie. For a list of Replika types and their representing bird, see Unit Class Designation. The last letter in the acronym will also always be R, for "Replika".

Replikas have varying heights, ranging from 152cm (approx 5ft) to an outstanding 250cm (approx 8ft). All Replikas—excluding the MNHR—have a polyethylene shell, and may have additions to their frame which is dependent on their role, such as: carbon-fiber or titanium reinforced shells; armor-plating; and titanium skeletons.

There are 6 generations of Replika, 5 of which are known. Generation 1 Replika's are the only Replika generation which do not appear in SIGNALIS. It is unknown what the Generation number indicates.

Persona Degradation and Stabilization[edit]

Persona Degradation is described as deviating from its original pattern, which "may lead to the Unit being less efficient for its intended purpose."[4]

Persona Stabilization is described as the "focused manipulation of the individual to ensure they remain as close to the original pattern as possible, and thus productive, loyal and docile for as long as possible."[5]

Replika Anatomy[edit]

General Systems[edit]

The outermost of the Replika's body is their flesh, which is not universally applied across the body but appears to be concentrated around the face and torso.

Beneath the flesh is the endoskeleton: this metallic frame provides protection of the vitals. Beneath the endoskeleton is the inner flesh and organs of the replika. The inner flesh seems to line the interior of the torso's endoskeleton, and possibly other areas that seem to have nervous system connections (e.g. the facial plate area). It is supported by Oxidizing fluid. Oxidizing fluid is toxic for human consumption.

Replikas also sport a Modular Frame. It is an internal heavy skeleton, much stronger than the human equivalent, that holds and protects the internal organs of the Replika. This frame also supports Modularity, evidenced by Elster being able to replace her arms and breast plate with alternative parts. Replicas also have facial plates, that while not modular, are connected to their skull and seem to allow for the mounting of masks in certain Replika types.

Replika Organs[edit]

The Replikas Central Organ System are the torso based organs that we see exposed when Elster is wounded in the chest following the fake out ending, these organs seem akin to normal organs including lungs, evident that she needs air to breathe which is supported by the need of the AVA suit. There also seems to be parts of a digestive tract, and other standard parts we would expect. We also know that there is a heart in this part of the body as Replikas have a heart rate which we learn from the display near the Eule Patient and from Falke. The brain, the Replika brain is plainly shown to us in the Med Bay, as having lil diodes all over it that seem to blend the biological with the mechanical. Elster's brains biological parts are likely responsible for her thoughts, feelings, emotions, persona degradation and other parts while her gestalt memories and logic modules seem to stem from the mechanical inserts into the brain. We also know that whatever the root of bioresonance is, the part will likely be found within the head somewhere near or in the brain. Replika lack standard feet instead having a more hoof like appendage, originally in game this was shown as a claw, but newer updates have removed this so all depictions are in line with the artistic intent of the replikas having a hoof.

List of known Replika Units[edit]

ADLR Logo.pngADLR (Adler)[edit]

ADLR (Administration-, Datenverarbeitung-, Logistik-Replika), (Administration, Data Processing, Logistics Replika 'Eagle') or Adler, are Generation 5 High Command Specialist Replikas. Adlers are Protektor Führungskommando Administrator units.

ARAR Logo.pngARAR (Ara)[edit]

ARAR (Allzweck-Reparatur-Arbeiter Replika), (All-Purpose Repair Worker Replika 'Macaw') or Ara, are Generation 2 Low-Cost General Purpose Replikas used in Repair, Maintenance, Construction and Production of Industrial goods.

EULR Logo.pngEULR (Eule)[edit]

EULR (Einfache Universelle Leichte Replika), (Simple Universal Light Replika 'Owl') or Eule, are Generation 4 Low-Cost General Purpose Replikas. These units are the standard multi-purpose unit of the Eusan Nation deployed in domestic tasks such as serving as Cooks, Nurses, Cleaning, as well as Simple Medical and Office

FKLR Logo.pngFKLR (Falke)[edit]

FKLR (Führungskommando-Leiteinheit-Replika), (Operational Command Control Unit Replika 'Falcon') or Falke, are Generation 6 High-Tech Bioresonance Command Replikas. These Replikas are used in every AEON facility across the Eusan Nation as the commander of the Protektor security forces of these facilities.

KLBR Logo.pngKLBR (Kolibri)[edit]

KLBR (Kommando-Leiteinheit Bioresonanztechnik-Replika), (Commando Control Unit Bioresonance Technology Replika 'Hummingbird') or Kolibri, are Generation 6 High-Tech Bioresonance Specialist Replikas. These Units are used as Commando Control Units, using their Bio-resonance to increase squad cohesion as well as improve the mental stability of all units in a squad. Their role is described as being an 'Elite Protektor'.

LSTR Logo.pngLSTR (Elster)[edit]

LSTR (Landvermessungs-/Schiff-Techniker Replika), (Land Survey/Ship Technician Replika 'Magpie') or Elster, are Generation 5 Kosmo-Pioneer Specialist Replikas designed to assist in orbital missions and are Combat Engineers and Technicians. These units were primarily used in the Penrose mission due to their survivability and adaptability in volatile and isolated conditions.

MNHR Logo.pngMNHR (Mynah)[edit]

MNHR (Minenarbeit-,Nukleartechnik-,Hochsicherheits-Replika), (Mining, Nuclear Tech, High-Security Replika 'Mynah') or Mynah are Generation 3 Industrial Specialist Replikas. These units are used in the mines below Sierpinski and across the Eusan Nation.

SAPR (Schnäpper)[edit]

SAPR (Schwere Anti-Panzer Replika) also known as a Schnapper is a hinted at Combat Variant of the MNHR unit that does not appear within the game. (only mentioned in Replika Overview: MNHR)

STAR Logo.pngSTAR (Star)[edit]

STAR (Sicherheitstechniker-Aufseher-Replika), (Security Technician Guard Replika 'Starling') or Star, are Generation 4 Low-Cost Combat Replikas. These units are Protektor Security Technicians Guards.

STCR Logo.pngSTCR (Storch)[edit]

STCR (Sicherheitstechniker-Controller-Replika), (Security Technician Controller Replika 'Stork') or Storch, are Generation 5 Combat Lead Replikas. These units are deployed as overwatch and coordination of STARs.

KNCR Logo.pngKNCR (Kranich)[edit]

KNCR is a high ranked Replika unit in charge of Blockwarts. It is only mentioned as sender in Message Inbox.


It is established that the blood of the Replika units is actually Oxidant[6][7] and that their bioengineered flesh is actually not edible to humans.[6] The Plural of Replikas is either Replikas in the Nation or Replika in Kizeth suggesting a difference in vocabulary between the Empire and Nation

The casual designations of Replika models are named after birds in the german language:

Unit Class Designation Corresponding Bird
ADLR Adler Eagle
ARAR Ara Macaw
EULR Eule Owl
FKLR Falke Falcon
KLBR Kolibri Hummingbird
LSTR Elster Magpie
MNHR Mynah Myna
STAR Star Starling
STCR Storch Stork
SAPR Schnäpper Flycatcher
KNCR Kranich[8] Crane

The official name of KNCR is not known, but instead theorized to be Crane
