Stolen Document

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Stolen Document is a memory which can be acquired in the Dark Apartment on the upper level of Rotfront.


「Stolen Document」

- CLASSIFIED INFORMATION - Replika Technician Gestalt Eyes Only -

Carefully selected by AEON, exemplary citizens of the nation are permanently cryogenically preserved in Neural Archives, each becoming a neural pattern for a new Replika Model. To preserve the image of the Replika as an incorruptible ideal, the original Gestalt is erased from records and public memory.

During the production process, when experienced bioresonant technicians copy that neural pattern to a new unit, a majority of episodic memories are altered and suppressed.

While the resulting Replika maintains the skills and personality of the original Gestalt, it will be incapable to recall specific events from the life of the donor under normal circumstances.
This ensures that the Replika performs its duties without distractions created by personal memories of the donor.

However, even the best-maintained Replika unit will eventually be exposed to stimuli that may cause Gestalt memories to resurface. While units degraded in such way pose no particular danger, like all units with Persona degradation, they will eventually lose many of their advantages over Gestalt workers.

Because Persona Degradation is usually difficult to identify from the outside, bioresonance is used by command units to surveil units under their command. Generally, it is recommended that to swiftly decomission and replace units before their productivity decrease or they begin to show clear signs of individuality.
When ammunition is rationed, alternative ways of decommissioning may be deployed at the discretion of local Operational Command.



Version History[edit]