Operational Procedures: Control

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Operational Procedures: Control is a memory which can be acquired in S-23 Sierpinski, in the Arar's Service Tunnel.


「Operational Procedures: Control」


AEON-Guideline 176 for the deployment of Operational Procedures:
Operational Psychology
In order to reliably protect the safety of our Nation, AEON must develop and deploy procedures and technologies to maintain complete control over all Replikas in service of the Nation.
Just like with Gestalts, procedures involving Operational Psychology are highly effective for behavior control of Replikas.

The primary advantage of Replikas over Gestalts is predictability. All newly deployed Replikas of a model are virtually identical both physically and psychologically.
As they all share the same memories, under the same circumstances, a newly deployed Eule Unit will practically always react in the exact same way.

However, as soon as a Unit encounters new situations, it will begin to deviate from the original pattern. In some cases, this may lead to the Unit being less efficient for its intended purpose. This is called Persona degradation.

Using a wealth of private information about the life of the Gestalt each neural pattern is based on allows us to ensure optimal, uniform post-deployment development of each unit. In simpler terms, our primary objective is the focused manipulation of the individual to ensure they remain as close to the original pattern as possible, and thus productive, loyal and docile for as long as possible.

This is called Persona stabilization. Stabilization can come in many forms, and usually takes on the form of regular activities or Fetish Objects that distract and calm the Replika.

Until the development of Bioresonance Technology that allows wide-scale direct behavior control, the methods of Operational Psychology still remain the most reliable way to control both Replikas and Gestalts in the interest of the protection of national security.


Version History[edit]