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The Shotgun can be found in the Reception (save room) on level B3 of Sierpinski. Along with the Flare Gun equipped with Grenade Shells, it is the only other weapon that can damage multiple enemies at once.

Damage Stats[edit]

It will do between 25-30 damage per shot in Survival, 40-60 damage per shot in Normal, and around 80 Damage per shot in Casual.

Datamining reveals that it has the following stats Damage: 40, hurtChance: 100, criticalChance: 80 Cooldown: 1.2, reloadTime: 2.934, MagSize: 5.


  • The Shotgun in Signalis fires tightly packed steel darts, called flechettes, as opposed to the more common lead pellets known as buckshot.
  • It is the signature weapon of Sieben and the Storches.
  • It is inspired by the real-world Franchi SPAS-12, with some changes to the folding stock.
