Adler's Diary

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Adler's Diary is a memory which can be acquired in Adler's Study, on level B8 of S-23 Sierpinski. A copy can also be found in the hidden version of Adler's Study.


「Adler's Diary」

Date: 84-21-6
I have been fascinated by a peculiar piece of furniture I discovered in storage: A strange box with a removable dial in the front that was confiscated from a worker some time ago. I was instantly drawn to it, though I'm not sure why. When I put my ear on the mechanism, I can hear it faintly clicking, like a clock.

Date: 84-21-7
Without Kolibri's help, it has become much harder to coordinate the logistics cadre. If there is anything good to say about that woman, it is how she knows how to make others respect her orders, despite her miniscule stature. I want to see her today, but her room is still locked.

Date: 84-21-8
I had a dream tonight. Another memory of my Gestalt life I believe - I was wearing my uniform. There was a young woman, her hair white as snow, and I was conducting some sort of test. I had a deck of cards with astronomical symbols on them, and asked her to guess the planet on the card I was holding.

Date: 84-21-9
I was playing with that mechanical lock box again, of which I am now sure is some kind of astronomical calendar, when I suddenly remembered a conversation I had with another Replika when I was inspecting the mining site. However, it was clearly a model I have never seen before - some type of engineer with an orange chest-piece. In my memory, she was just another member of our staff, but no such Replika was ever stationed on Sierpinski. Replika memory is not the most reliable, they say - but never before have I experienced such a strange phenomenon.

Date: 84-21-A
The little enigma of that box could only distract me from the chaos around me for so long. All the box contained was a small notebook, of which all pages turned out to be blank. It has been miserable since our beloved Commander has fallen ill. I long for her stern guidance, that overwhelming authority in which she bathes a room.

Date: 84-21-B
More sick, making my work ever harder. How are we meant to shoulder this workload with no reinforcements? My only consolation is that as our Protektor staff decreases, so does the workforce we oversee. While more and more Replika end up in the hospital wing, Gestalt workers seem to succumb much too fast for any attempts at treatment.

Date: 84-21-C
Another diary filled, for no benefit but my own satisfaction. I've not ordered a new one yet, since I spent my saved Rationmarks on that marvelous-looking fountain pen, but I guess I'll make use of that notebook...



Version History[edit]