Adler's Diary (hidden)

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This memory can be acquired right in Adler's hidden office.
The player must read Adler's note found right before entering Falke's room, then go back to the room from which they came. Originally a save point, it will instead be Adler's office.


「Adler's Diary」

Date: 84-21-6
I have been fascinated by a peculiar piece of furniture I discovered in storage: A strange box with a removable dial in the front that was confiscated from a worker some time ago. I was instantly drawn to it, though I'm not sure why. When I put my ear on the mechanism, I can hear it faintly clicking, like a clock.

Date: 84-21-7
Met with Kolibri to review the latest additions to the facility staff. As usual, it ended in an extended argument - no matter what I do, that woman just always has to have the last word. Still, we both agreed that the LSTR unit was a good investment, so no adjustments will need to be made for now.

Date: 84-21-8
Another boring day. Even the paperwork is uninteresting and trivial lately. On the way back to my room, I saw another new STAR unit hit her head on a door frame.

Date: 84-21-9
Had to go down to the mining site today for the scheduled inspection. The new Elster unit was showing some surveying equipment to me, when something she said about planets and stars suddenly made me realize what the dial reminded me of - an astronomical calendar. I will have to investigate further at once now that my shift is over.

Date: 84-21-A
The little enigma of that box could only distract me from the dullness of work for so long. All the box contained was a small notebook, of which all the pages turned out to be blank. While the mechanism is fascinating, I'm not quite sure what to do with the box yet. Would it make a nice gift for the Commander? Maybe I should ask Kolibri what she thinks.

Date: 84-21-B
In a fit of adventurousness, I decided to try something new for dinner and promptly regretted it - I could barely stomach the taste. Such a detestable combination of sweet and savoury, it made me sick.

Date 84-21-C
Another diary filled, for no benefit but my own satisfaction. I've not ordered a new one yet, since I spent my saved Rationmarks on that marvelous-looking fountain pen, but I guess I'll make use of that notebook...



Version History[edit]