Adler's Diary (hidden2)

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This memory can be acquired right in Adler's hidden office.
The player must read Adler's note found right before entering Falke's room, then go back to the room from which they came. Originally a save point, it will instead be Adler's office.


「Adler's Diary」

Date: 84-21-6
I have been fascinated by a peculiar piece of furniture I discovered in storage: A strange box with a removable dial in the front that was confiscated from a worker some time ago. I was instantly drawn to it, though I’m not sure why. When I put my ear on the mechanism, I can hear it faintly clicking, like a clock.

Date: 84-21-7
Met with Kolibri to review the latest additions to the facility staff. Halfway through the meeting, she stormed out of the room for no discernable reason. While incredibly rude of her, I didn’t particularly mind, since I've had quite the annoying head-ache ever since morning.

Date: 84-21-8
I had a dream tonight, the first one in a long time. There was a young woman, her hair as white as snow, and I was conducting some sort of test. I had a deck of cards with astronomical symbols on them, but I can't remember what I was doing with them.

Date: 84-21-9
Had to go down the mining site today for the scheduled inspection. We're still waiting for that new LSTR unit we ordered - the shipment was delayed by several cycles - but the excavation progress is still on schedule, so it shouldn’t be a problem as long as no more staff gets sick.

Date: 84-21-A
I finally managed to open that strange box. Sadly, all it contained was a small notebook, of which all pages turned out to be blank. For some reason, I feel like I somehow knew beforehand, as if I had already opened the box before. Did I dream it?

Date: 84-21-B
Apparently, there's more rumors of an infectious disease spreading among the Gestalt workers. Could it be another flu outbreak? The timing is quite concerning...

Date: 84-21-C
Another diary filled, for no benefit but my own satisfaction. I've not ordered a new one yet, since I spent my saved Rationmarks on that marvelous-looking fountain pen, but I guess I'll make use of that notebook...



Version History[edit]