Song of the Gods

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Song of the Gods is a memory which can be acquired in the "Backroom" on the ground floor of Rotfront.


「Song of the Gods」


Possession and distribution of this publication is prohibited and punishable by the 4th Cultural Protection Act.

There exists a connection between all of us that few are fully aware of. A song that we all dance to, but few can hear.
This deep vibration of the cosmos can not just be heard and felt. We all resonate in harmony with it, shaping it, deforming it around us.

Those select few who can consciously perceive it often fear it. Too oppressive is the sound of the stars, too invasive the noise of the unaware around them, polluting the song with their fickle emotions.
But every once in a while, some are born that cannot only hear and play this music of the worlds, but who can conduct it. Gifted individuals capable of manipulating the essence of the world around them.

Many believe that the Grand Empress is such a being. Her immense will bent humanity into the Empire of Eusan and lifted us to the stars. It was her power that imbued life into the first of the machine-servants that now carry the weight of the Empire on their carbon-steel backs.
