Welcome to S-23 Sierpinski

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Welcome to S-23 Sierpinski is a memory which can be acquired in the Surface Access portion of level B1 of S-23 Sierpinski.


「Welcome to S-23 Sierpinski」

You've been selected or have elected to be relocated by AEON to S-23 Sierpinski. Located on Leng, at the frontier of the solar system, S-23 Sierpinski is the perfect place for a new beginning.

At our prestigious ████████ vocational school facility, you will learn new skills to shape your future as a productive citizen of our wonderful Nation. Here you will learn all about mineral extraction, ore refinement and munition production, helping the war effort against the remenants of the Empire.

And of course, learning is not just about theory - AEON lets you earn your share while practicing your new craft right at the workplace!

Concerned about your family, friends, or former colleagues? Ask a Protektor about our Ration-sharing plan. A portion of your Rationsmarks will be sent to a beneficiary of your choice.



Version History[edit]