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The Revolver can be obtained in Sierpinski by unlocking the Weapon Case with the Hunter's Key. Upon obtaining the Revolver, the player will unlock the "Einhorn" Achievement.

Damage Stats[edit]

In testing, the Revolver does 30 damage in Survival, 50 in Normal, and 100 in Casual.

Datamining reveals that it has the following stats: Damage: 25, hurtChance: 100, criticalChance: 15, Cooldown: 0.6, reloadTime: 2, MagSize: 6, magAmmo: 6.


In the lore it is used by the Star Units, and the Revolver the player uses used to belong to STAR S-2313 "Hunter".


  • Elster is seen wielding the Revolver in the promotional art for Signalis. It is possible that the Revolver was supposed to be the primary weapon in the game at some point during development.
  • It is based off the real world Chiappa Rhino 200DS and possibly the RSh-12 due to the similar large caliber.
