KLBR (Kolibri)

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KLBR (Kommando-Leiteinheit Bioresonanztechnik-Replika), (Commando Control Unit Bioresonance Technology Replika 'Hummingbird') or Kolibri, are Generation 6 High-Tech Bioresonance Specialist Replikas. These Units are used as Commando Control Units, using their Bio-resonance to increase squad cohesion as well as improve the mental stability of all units in a squad. Their role is described as being an 'Elite Protektor'.[1] Kolibri means "Hummingbird" in German.

CombatKLBR Logo.png[edit]

During the events of the game, nearly all Kolibris have been corrupted. When fighting against one of them, your screen with flash with words and a loud radio sound will play. In order to defeat them and move past them, one must tune their radio to the frequencies shown on screen.

Corrupted KLBR.png

Kolibri's corrupted form sports a swollen head, as well as several fake illusion versions of itself around it.

Corrupted Kolibris can be killed using the frequency puzzle, or a more conventional approach. The shotgun may be the best choice for this as its cone of fire could hit every Kolibri, fake and real, at once, removing the need for the player to figure out which is which. If the real Kolibri is damaged by any weapon, it will die in one hit, causing the illusions to disappear.

When opening the character UI during a Kolibri encounter, the little dot that represents Elster's mental state on the modules screen will dance around while under the bioresonance effects of the Kolibri.

Notes Regarding the KLBR UnitsKLBR Logo.png[edit]

Further info about Kolibris can be found in their Overview Page. Kolibris are Generation 6 High-Tech Bioresonant Specialists. They are biomechanical with a polyethylene shell and bullet-resistant armor plating. They are 152cm tall.[1]

A Marvel of modern technology, the Kolibri is the most capable Bioresonance unit ever produced. Every Protektor Fuhrungskommando's Falke unit is aided by a cadre of KLBR unit adjutants, which can amplify her bioresonant signals, as well as produce their own. Despite their diminutive build, Kolibris are one of the most effective Protektor units. Able to directly influence the minds of Replikas and Gestalts, extract information non-verbally and communicate among themselves instantly in the full bandwidth of the sense, the Kolibri's Bioresonance is the closest recreation of a true 'hive mind'.

In Replika Known Issues, Part IV it addresses the problems that arise with these units, stating:

"Great care should be given to Kolibris - their neural patterns are very unstable and their Bioresonance module makes them very susceptible to influence from others. Like most bioresonant individuals, Kolibris will often subconsciously create an emotional feedback loop, imitating and then broadcasting the emotions of those around them, acting as a sort of amplifier. While they are trained to recognize and disengage this behavior, already unstable units can sometimes spiral into Persona degradation. Due to their bioresonant connection, neural pattern development in Kolibris varies less than in other models. The constant exchange of memories and emotions between units of a Cadre acts as a "safety net" that buffers extreme changes. However, once a majority of units in a Cadre degrade, they will drag the remaining units down with them. Because of this, it is important to decommission Kolibri units instantly when they begin to degrade. For Persona stabilization, Kolibris should have access to a well-stocked library.

A lone Kolibri seemed to suspect Adler of hiding something early into the decay of the facility,[2] stating:

"Keep an eye on Adler. He's hiding something from us. There was nothing in his diary, but when i probed his mind, there were memories of an LSTR unit working at Sierpinski. There's no record of that model of Replika ever being deployed here. An order for a single unit for some survey work in the mine was briefly considered, but no new orders were made due to the commander's sickness."

We also come to know that the 'radio enemies' are Kolibris due to a note[3] which provides a hint on how to defeat these units:

"One of the Kolibris has holed herself up in the management office on the 7th floor. I've seen her and her 'illusions' sitting inside the room, crying... which one is the real one? I think it's because of the painting in there. Whenever i was close to her, I felt like my mind was being assaulted by the image of that island. The sensation was strong enough to make me hurl. Is there a way to neutralize the transmission? Maybe some sort of feedback loop of the frequency of her control signal...?"

A Decommissioned KLBR

All Corrupted Kolibris have a designation of KLBR-S2301, perhaps suggesting that she was the first to be corrupted and then later pulled the rest into the infection. She is also one number away from the last surviving Kolibri found in the library, KLBR-S2302.

When the chain of command began having problems due to the spread of the infection Sieben (STCR-S2307) noted Adler's change in personality, and decided to request help from the Kolibri in order to maintain the chain of command. [4]

"P.S. Keep an eye on the Administrator unit. Since the incident, he's been acting stranger than usual. Without the Commander to keep him in check, we will have to ask the Kolibri for help."


A Kolibri is also depicted in a doodle by Ariane, [5] which makes a clever pun with their name, relating them to cabbage.

KLBR Decoded Text During CombatKLBR Logo.png[edit]

When fighting the Kolibris, German text will flash on screen. Translating this text reveals the following messages:

KLBR Corruption Image 1.png

"Beyond the Sun, in the Dark behind the Stars saw I the face of a god, a shape and color words can't describe. I saw the six sides of the world unfold and light swallowed me. I had become one with nothing, where Life and Death are meaningless."

KLBR Corruption Image 2.png

"And I saw the Sixth Seal break, and the earth trembled, and the sun turned black, and the Moon like blood, and the Stars fell from the skies."

This one is a reference to Revelations 6:12 "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;"

KLBR Corruption Image 3.png

"Strange is the night where dark stars rise, and strange moons circle through the sky. Songs that the Hyades shall sing, where flap the tatters of the King must die unheard. Song of my soul, my voice is dead; die thou, unsung, as tears unshed."

This is a reference to the King in Yellow. Aside from these large blocks of text there are also shorter bursts of text:

"Es ist hoffnungslos." - It is hopeless.

"Wer bist du?" - Who are you?

"Gib auf." - Give up.

"Warum bist du hier?" - Why are you here?


KLBR in the Library (KLBR-S2302)KLBR Logo.png[edit]


This Kolibri is referred in the code as KLBR-S2302 , and is the only non-corrupted Kolibri in the entire game, likely due to her being located in the library. [6] Speaking with S2302, she says the following:

"The others... they've changed. We no longer sing in unison"

"I used to be able to see into their minds. We were as one. Together we guided them all. But now, I can't understand their thoughts anymore."

"I've never been so alone before. They're still together, and I am here outside. And they won't let me in. I cannot stand their song anymore. This is the only place I don't have to hear them."

"This is the only place I'm safe."

"I can't go on like this. I wish I had become like the others, too. At least then, I wouldn't be alone."

"I hate this."[7]

KLBR Terminal (KLBR-R16-04)KLBR Logo.png[edit]

One Kolibri unit, KLBR-R16-04, was the Protektor in charge of the request for the SMG that Elster eventually uses during the game.[8] They are also the Blockwart of Rotfront Sector C, as the PC next to the SMG is theirs. On this PC there are several emails that give information on a couple of puzzles and insight into the lore.

Email 1-Requisition[edit]

From: AEON Kommando, Subject: Requisition.

Your requisition request for a Type-84 Submachine Gun was successfully processed.

Responsible Body: AEON-Kommando Rotfront Nord Protekter: KLBR-R16-04 Authorization: Blockwart Rot-C

1 x Type-84 ‘Drache’, Burst Fire 120 x Wuqiong 8-Kompakt 8x22mm Ammo

Email 2-RE: Photo Store Keys[edit]

From: yeong-foto Subject: RE: Photo Store Keys The locksmith said it will take at least a Period until the replacement key is done. My niece currently has the only other key, but she’s still at the hospital right now. - Yeong

Email 3-Be careful.[edit]

From: KNCR-R16-22 Subject: Be careful.

To the Blockwart of Sektor C: There are rumors that there is an imperial spy active in your area. A Protektor Special Operations Unit has been dispatched AEON headquarters on Heimat to investigate and should arrive within 6-12 cycles.

Needless to say, should they be successful, this will not reflect well on your record. You know what to do.

Email 4-Seasonal Review[edit]

From: AEON Kommando Subject: Seasonal Review KLBR-R16-04, As every season, your performance will be subject to a review by local Command soon. Remember that this review will determine if you will be marked for replacement.

Email 5-RE: Book Store Keys[edit]

From: itou-buecher Subject: RE: Book Store Keys I understand that you need entry to the bookstore for your patrol, but we do not have a spare key for the front door. However, you can use the back entrance to get into the store. It’s secured with a keypad. The code is the birthday of my daughters (note: they were born on Vineta- check the last 6 digits of their PKZ numbers). Kind regards, Itou

Email 6- RE: Relocation[edit]

From: AEON Kommando Subject: RE: Relocation No.[8]

GalleryKLBR Logo.png[edit]