Replika Overview: KLBR

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Replika Overview: KLBR is a memory which can be acquired in the KLBR Study on level B8 of S-23 Sierpinski.


「Replika Overview: KLBR」

Kommando-Leiteinheit Bioresonanztechnik-Replika
- 'Kolibri' -
(Command Control Unit Bioresonance Technology Replika 'Hummingbird')
Type: Generation 6 High-Tech Bioresonance Specialist
Frame: Biomechanical with Polyethylene Shell and Bullet-Resistant Armor Plating
Height: 152 cm

- CLASSIFIED INFORMATION - Commander Eyes Only -

A marvel of modern technology, the Kolibri is the most capable Bioresonance unit ever produced.
Every Protektor Führungskommando's Falke unit is aided by a cadre of KLBR unit adjutants, which can amplify her bioresonant signals, as well as produce their own. Despite their diminutive build, Kolibris are one of the most effective Protektor units.

Able to directly influence the minds of Replikas and Gestalts, extract information non-verbally, and communicate among themselves instantly in the full bandwidth of the senses, the Kolibri's Bioresonance is the closest recreation of a true 'hive mind'.



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