Submachine Gun

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The Submachine Gun is a Weapon in Signalis. It uses 8mm Ammo and fires in 3-round bursts with each trigger pull.
The Submachine Gun can be found on the desk of the Blockwart Office on the ground floor of Rotfront (Area).
The main real-world inspiration for the Submachine Gun is the H&K SMG II, a proposed 1980s replacement to the 1960-1970s H&K MP5.

Damage Stats[edit]

Testing reveals it does 8 damage per shot in survival or 24 per burst, it does 13 per shot in normal or 39 per burst, and does 40 per shot in casual or 120 per burst.

Datamining will reveal the following stats: Damage: 10 hurtChance: 30 criticalChance: 3 Cooldown: 0.5 reloadTime: 1.8 MagSize: 30 magAmmo: 30 fullAuto: 1 burstSize: 3 burstSpeed: 0.1


  • The submachine gun used in game was requested on the terminal by which we access emails in Rotfront[1] The request details that the responsible body for the weapon is AEON-Kommando Rotfront Nord. The Protektor involved is KLBR-R16-04. It was authorized by Blockwart ROT-C. And describes the ammo that accompanied the request as "Wuqiong 9-Kompakt 8x22mm Ammo".


  • The Submachine Gun is based on the real-life H&K SMG and SMG II.
  • In the gamefiles the gun was named "Auto Rifle".
  • The Glock might be an early version of the SMG instead of the Pistol, evidenced by screenshots from an earlier build of the game featuring it alongside the Pistol and the fact the Glock was labeled as "Burst Pistol" with the burst fire feature being something that the SMG was famous for.
