STCR (Storch)

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STCR (Sicherheitstechniker-Controller-Replika), (Security Technician Controller Replika 'Stork') or Storches, are Generation 5 Combat Lead Replikas. These units are deployed to oversee and coordinate STARs.[1] Storch means "Stork" in German[2], which is likely a reference to their tall build.

CombatSTCR Logo.png[edit]

Corrupted Storch Damage Debug.jpg

By the time the game takes place most Storch units have been corrupted. These lost Replikas have been distorted almost beyond recognition, with their arms missing and their heads replaced with a strange beak-like growth. This grants them additional range when attacking Elster.

Storches are as the strongest standard enemy and only appear late into the game.[3] Debug Mode reveals that they have 80 HP which is significantly higher than the 50 HP Eules in Rotfront, but much less than the 200 HP Mynah units. This means that they take around 5 SMG bursts to bring down. They usually patrol with other units and will quickly overwhelm the player using their high HP, long range and high damage.

They best way to deal with them is using a rifle. A single well-aimed rifle shot will bring down a Storch, even on the highest difficulty; if the shots are not perfectly aimed, they need two. However, it is advised to handle all other units in the room first, as focusing on chipping away at the Storch will enable other units to attack. Disposable stun prods typically fail to knock down a Storch, so it's advisable to save them for use on weaker units.

Like several other units, Storches are capable of reviving at 30 HP if not killed using flares.

When a Storch is alerted or killed, it will make a unique screeching sound, compared to the default screech made by almost every other unit.

Notes Regarding the STCR UnitsSTCR Logo.png[edit]

We can learn more about them from their Overview page. Storches are Generation 5 Combat Lead Units. They have biomechanical frames with a polyethylene shell and bullet-resistant armor plating, as well as being 240 cm or 7 feet and 8 inches tall. Reading the rest of the overview, it states the following:

Each Cadre of Protektor Security Technicians is overseen by a Controller Unit, the most common of which is the STCR "Stork" Type. One of the tallest Replika models thanks to their extended legs, Storks figuratively and literally keep a constant birds-eye view of any situation, ready to direct and coordinate their assigned Security Technicians. Their tough, no-nonsense demeanor, though sometimes described as brutal and even cruel, makes them the perfect fit as unwavering sentinels of order.

More information on their personality can be found within their Known Issues file:


Storch units initially have a short temper. Training them in patience early after deployment is key, as their neural patterns are less stable then other models. Failing to do so may yield an extremely volatile personality prone to cruelty and violence. A common strategy is pairing them closely with an older Star unit. Storch's Persona stabilizes by showering or bathing. Books on history or mythology work well as Fetish objects.

An example of the cruelty mentioned can be found by reading a note in the Storch dorm:

"I am officially sick of the Eules next door. They've been listening to that stupid song non-stop since the piano room was locked down. If I have to hear it one more time I am going over there and smashing that stupid tape recorder to pieces. I wonder if there's a way we can 'borrow' a key so we can get into their dorm and put an end to this madness? I don't care about breaking quarantine if it means never having to hear that song again."

The music player in the Eule dormitory has been impaled by a knife[4], most likely by the same Storch that made this note, which caused further Persona degradation.

The propaganda poster produced by AEON depicts a Storch in front of the Nation's flag, wielding a shotgun in one hand and a stun baton in the other, as a demonstration of their skills in combat and riot control.

Storch Sieben (STCR-S2307) STCR Logo.png[edit]

Sieben is the last uncorrupted Storch in the game, she is the Protektor Controller, meaning she is likely one of the highest ranked Replikas after Adler and Falke. She also seems to be armed with a shotgun.

She is the the author of the note About the Administrator. Where Sieben coordinates the day and night shift controllers, reshuffling STCR and STAR units to serve during both time slots in an attempt to organize the remaining units against those infected by the virus.

Due to recent events, some Security Technicians will be serving both work shifts and night shifts.

Affected Guard Units: STAR-S2304, STAR-S2305, STAR-S2306, STAR-S2309.

Affected Controller Units: STCR-S2303, STCR-S2306,

Until an effective treatment is found, or reinforcements are sent from Heimat, we'll all have to stay strong and do our best to keep the facility secure. Failure is not an option.

- Storch Sieben (STCR-S2307)

Her notes seem to establish that units with bigger numbers are higher ranked than cadre members with smaller numbers, as is shown by Sieben (STCR-2307) having control over STCR-2303 and STCR-2306. She also notices Adler's mental decay and proposes a plan involving the Kolibris to help keep him in check.

PS: Keep an eye on the Administrator unit. Since the incident, he's been acting stranger than usual. Without the Commander to keep him in check, we will have to ask Kolibri for help.

However, she is unable to hold down the fort forever. Eventually, the facility is lost, Adler remains deranged and free, and the Kolibris have been reduced to one member.[5] She is still alive by the time the game takes place and the player is able to talk to her:

You don't look like you belong here. You're an Elster unit right? This facility is currently on lockdown. You shouldn't be here.

I'm the Protektor Controller on duty on this level. I don't know what kind of business you have here but as you can probably see, we've got bigger issues right now.

If you're looking for the Commander, I have bad news for you. She got sick, and everyone else is getting sick, too.

That's really all I know about it. I'm sure the Administrator knows more, but who knows where he is.

I'm not going out there. I'm waiting here for new orders. Until then I'm not taking any risks.

Shooting Range .jpg

So Sieben is awaiting orders that are never coming due to the collapse of the command structure, choosing to resign herself to the Rationing Office, then die trying to fight the hordes with no real orders or knowledge as to whether reinforcements are being sent.

Her name, "Sieben" means "Seven" in German, a reference to the last number in her unit name. We know that the Storch in this room is Sieben since in the game's code her unit name is S2307.

Sieben is also referred to in the Shooting Range Challenge Board. Where it is stated that she hit 45/60, below STAR-S2312 "Hunter" who hit 60/60 in 3 out of 4 attempts but above some other STAR unit who hit 32/60.

Storch DormsSTCR Logo.png[edit]

Storch Dorm 6.jpg

The two Storch dorms present in the game give us more information about Storches.

The first is found on the 6th Floor-Staff Accommodations, this dorm is a small room. In the back there are lockers and one of the Storch Propaganda Posters. There is also a propaganda poster against Buyan, showcasing of the Storches' violent, military-like tendencies, further shown by the Angry Note which is also located in this room. There are also 2 bunk beds, meaning a total of 4 Storches could've stayed in this room during the facility's operation.

Storch Dorm 6 on Map.jpg

This dorm is directly connected to the cleaning room since showering is necessary for the Persona stabilization of Storches.

The room's close proximity to the Eule Dorm explains why the Eules would've annoyed them.[6] Its location on the 6th Floor is likely in order for the facility to easily respond to issues on this floor, seeing as this is not their main dorm. Finally, its closeness to the firing range alludes to the of the unit's violent tendencies.

The second dorm is found on the 8th Floor-Controller Accommodations, this is the main Storch Dorm, being around 3 times larger than its 6th floor counterpart.

The STCR Dorm has 8 beds in it. Inside there are 3 dead Storches and several enemies allowing us to understand what happened here. Most likely the corrupted Stars and Eules the player fights in the game rushed into this room and overwhelmed the unprepared STCR units. While the STCR units are great at fighting, being ambushed by the enemies with no warning could've been too much for them to handle without preparation. With this being the main STCR Dorm, this was likely a fatal blow to the security of the facility.

Other details about this room include: a small personal library in the back corridor, likely filled with mythology books based off of their Overview Page[1]. This hypothesis is reinforced by the paintings above the beds in the upper area, one of which is Saturn Devouring His Son

