MNHR (Mynah)

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MNHR (Minenarbeit-, Nukleartechnik-, Hochsicherheits-Replika), (Mining, Nuclear Tech, High-Security Replika 'Mynah') or Mynah units are Generation 3 Industrial Specialist Replikas. These units are deployed in hazardous work environments across the Eusan Nation, including in the Sierpinski mining operation. Their name is a reference to mynas, a family of songbirds native to southern Asia. It’s also likely a form of wordplay - myna is a homophone for miner.

Notes Regarding the MNHR UnitsMNHR Logo.png[edit]

Their overview page describes their physiology and function in more detail. As with other Replikas, they have biomechanical insides, but sport a “High-Security Reinforced Armor-Plated Servoshell Frame” that gives them their signature diving-suit look. The page also mentions a combat variation of the Mynah that does not appear in game:

"When it comes to dangerous cargo, heavy machinery and hazardous environments, no other model rivals the MNHR units with their high-security power armor bodies. Even in lethal radiation, under crushing pressure and in zero G, they keep their calm demeanor and show exemplary teamwork. Despite their hulking bodies, underneath their face shields a standard Generation 3 Cranial Construction can be found, making maintenance and social interfacing as easy as with any other Replika Model. Please note that the MNHR neural pattern is not suited for combat use. For combat applications, the SAPR variant should be used, which employs a combat-capable Persona in the same Frame. For more information, see [Schwere Anti-Panzer Replika 'Schnapper'][1]"

A Known Issues document sheds some light on the psychological problems faced by this unit:

"This neural pattern is extremely stable. Little has to be done to keep Mynahs happy. They get along well with most other models thanks to their sometimes submissive, sometimes motherly personality. Unlike other models, diary-keeping is not mandatory for Persona stabilization. Small stuffed animals may be given as fetish objects, though those resembling cats should be avoided as they might cause resurfacing Gestalt memories."[2]

The AEON propaganda poster for this unit depicts a Mynah with her visor closed, hefting a mining laser.

MNHR Propaganda Poster.jpg

Mynah Boss Fight (MNHR-S2305)MNHR Logo.png[edit]

Mynah Boss Fight.jpg
Mynah Boss Fight Image.jpg

A Mynah unit is the first boss in the game. After gathering all the keys for the Hospital Wing and opening the door to the Surgery room, Elster drops down to the 4th floor and enters the Mynah fight.

During the introductory cutscene, Mynah’s face streams out of her open visor in a flood of oxidant, and her Replika Database entry flashes briefly on the screen:

"Frame type S4. Non-Kombatant, servo-controlled Special modules: NUK, LSS, HYD, FKS, NAV Squad size: 8"

This unit has 200 HP, and wields a large mining laser. She will also periodically summon ARAR units from the floor to assist her. When summoning these units, a white line will appear between Mynah and the tile the Ara emerges from, and the following text will appear next to Mynah:

"MNHR-S2305 beantragt assistenz R-Kader" or, in English: "MNHR-S2305 requests assistance from R-Squad"

The mining laser has to charge before firing; Mynah will attempt to aim the beam at Elster as it charges, with a red laser dot indicating its path. The charge level of the beam is visible on the model of the laser. When the laser finishes charging, it will immediately fire. If Elster gets too close, the Mynah can also hit her with a melee attack, though this deals less damage than the laser.

After a short period of time, Mynah will clutch her head, fall to her knees and open her visor, spewing infected oxidant blood across the floor. Shooting into the open visor is the best way to actually damage Mynah, though stepping in the veiny pool of oxidant will damage Elster. Eventually, Mynah will shut her visor and get back to her feet, indicating the end of her vulnerable phase.

CombatMNHR Logo.png[edit]

After the boss fight, no hostile Mynahs appear until the Mines - this makes a lot of sense, considering this is their area of expertise. At least a dozen of their mining lasers are piled up near the start of the level, and if Elster interacts with them she makes this observation:

Mynah Mining Lasers.png

"High Powered Mining Lasers. They're too large and heavy for me to use."

The hatch leading to the depths of the mines is guarded by a Mynah, and this fight can be handled in much the same way as the previous boss fight. Alternatively, Elster can just dodge her laser shots and avoid being hit by the other units present, then jump down the hatch without having to kill the Mynah.

Another Mynah appears in Nowhere, alongside several Eules and a Storch, in the room containing the Small Wooden Doll. Due to her lumbering gait, it’s easier to dodge her and grab the doll; in this case, the other Replikas in the room are a greater threat.

If the player would prefer to kill the Mynahs, the Flare Gun would be the most efficient choice - a single shot during their vulnerable phase will kill them, and a unique animation will play. If the player would rather conserve their flare ammunition, the Rifle is the next best choice. Both the Mynahs in game are encountered with other Replikas, who are weaker but move much faster, so it’s better to pick these off first before focusing on the Mynah.

Beo (MNHR-S2301) MNHR Logo.png[edit]


Beo (designated MNHR-S2301 as per the game’s code) is the only uncorrupted Mynah in the game. Found slumped against a tunnel in the mines in what appears to be a puddle of oxidant or leaking hydraulic fluid, one of her hydraulics has blown, rendering her immobile and condemning her to a slow death.

Talking to her yields the following dialogue:

"Ah hello. You're not a Protektor are you? What brings you here?"

"I'm Beo. If you're down here you are probably looking for something... I'd help you, but one of my Hydraulics failed and I can't move. I'm pretty much done for so you can just leave me here."

"There's no point repairing an old unit like me, so don't worry about it, okay? It'd be a waste of resources."

"I'd offer you my mining laser, but I don't think your frame could supply the power output. You're probably better off using a gun. There should be some useful equipment in the mining office. It's just south of here."

"Don't worry about me. There are many replacements. We're just Replikas after all, right? In the end, what's one drop to an ocean? When I die they'll just make another."

"Thank you for talking to me. I hope you find what you are looking for."

If Elster tries to talk to her again, she politely ends the conversation:


Notably, the oxidant from her wounds is clean and bright red, rather than the veiny, blackened oxidant of corrupted MNHR units. This, alongside her friendly and calm attitude, indicate that she’s uninfected.



  • Mynas are part of the starling family, though it's unclear whether this indicates any relation to STAR units.
  • The oxidant that spills out of the visors of Mynah units resembles worms, including the way it seems to "crawl" across the floor; this is alluded to in the Signalis content warnings list[3]. It's unclear whether these are actual worms, or whether the warning was just given due to the wormlike appearance of the infected oxidant.