ARAR (Ara)

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ARAR (Allzweck-Reparatur-Arbeiter Replika), (All-Purpose Repair Worker Replika 'Macaw') or Ara, are Generation 2 Low-Cost General Purpose Replikas used in repair, maintenance, construction and production of industrial goods.[1] The bird that they are referencing is the Macaw.

Aras are biomechanical and have a titanium-reinforced Polyethylene Shell, are 185cm tall (approx. 6ft 1in), and are the most produced Replika type. They've replaced all Gestalt workers in especially dangerous working conditions. They are described as quiet and expressionless, yet harshly judge those who are unkind (Aras best get along with Eules since they are friendly). Aras may also retreat into specially created tunnels which are only available to themselves.

CombatARAR Logo.png[edit]

Corrupted Aras have inflated puffy arms and a corroded head, and are hunched over, exposing the skin on their back which has degraded to the point of exposing flesh and their spinal structure underneath.

They hide in the vents of the facility before emerging from underneath the floor to attack the player, and can appear in groups of 2-4. Them being hidden can catch an inexperienced player off guard, and may easily overwhelm them especially with the help of other corrupted Replika Units.

Besides Disposable Stun Prods, the recommended weapon to dispatch them would be the Pistol, as any other weapon's damage would be excessive and could be better utilized for enemies with higher health. (Corrupted Aras have 30 HP[2], the least amount of HP in the game, even less than the corrupted Eules.)

Known ARAR Units[edit]


  • ARAR-S2303 is the Protektor in charge of processing "Service Request Form F-29", regarding the Wall Safe combination code in Classroom 4B.

ARAR-S2305 "Fünf"[edit]


ARAR-S2311 "Elf"[edit]

  • ARAR-S2311 "Elf" is involved in Personal Grievance Form P-14, where ARAR-S2308 writes that Elf repeatedly misplaces ARAR-S2308's 10mm socket.


  • ARAR-S2314 is the recipient in "Order No. S23-90A3C28F97", regarding ARAR-S2314's order request for the replacement part "High-Voltage Fuse".


  • Appears in the surgery room when called by MNHR-S2305.




  • Appears in the surgery room when called by MNHR-S2305.

Ara (Vent) ARAR Logo.png[edit]


The ARAR unit in the vent below the STCR Dorm on B8 - Controller Accommodations of Sierpinski-23 is the only uncorrupted Ara in the game. When Elster enters, her flashlight malfunctions and she can find the Ara sitting in a corner reading a document, among several plants with UV lights.

Talking to her yields the following dialogue:


"Oh, it's you."

"What are you doing here?"

"Aren't you supposed to be down in the mine?"


"Your flashlight?"

"Let me take a look."

"Try it now."



"Can you believe this?"

"All these files..."

"They think they know us so well."



"So much talk about "Persona" and "Stabilization"..."

"In the end, they just want us to shut up and work until we die."

"What a joke."

"What do you mean, you don't remember me?"

"Did you hit your head?"


"I'm staying here."

"No chance I'm ever going back to work."

If Elster tries to talk to her again, she responds with silence:


The document she is referring to is Operational Procedures: Control.

ARAR Dorms ARAR Logo.png[edit]

The ARAR Dorm is on the the 6th Floor. Equipped with eight bunk beds, it allowed for sixteen ARAR units to call this room home during S-23 Sierpinski's operation.

On the north wall there is an ARAR propaganda poster, and in the center of the room there is a large hole that leads down to the lower STAR dorm. On the southern side of the room there is a boat that was likely constructed by the Aras.

