Personnel Grievance Form P-14

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Personnel Grievance Form P-14 is a memory which can be acquired in the Vent Room on the previously flooded level B4 of S-23 Sierpinski.


「Personnel Grievance Form P-14」

Date of filing Personnel Grievance Form: 84-20-F
Full Protektor ID of unit filing grievance: ARAR-S2308 (Replika)
Status: Staff    Department: Medical
Full Protektor ID(s) of involved unit(s): ARAR-S2311 (Replika)
Date-Time of Incident: All the time!
Location of Incident: Medical Wing

Description: Elf keeps using my wrench and misplacing the 10mm socket.
I have been reprimanded for not repairing the fan in the vent in the lower level, but I can't remove the vent cover without a 10mm wrench socket! I know she's doing it on purpose.



Version History[edit]