The Great Revolutionary and her Daughter

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The leaders interaction text fpv.png

The Great Revolutionary and her Daughter are the leaders of the Eusan Nation. Their portraits appear together frequently in AEON facilities such as classrooms, offices, and even bedrooms. FKLR units are described as resembling both the Revolutionary and her Daughter. This resemblance could merely be an aesthetic choice for propaganda purposes, but it may also suggest the possibility that the Gestalt template for FLKR units is the Great Revolutionary herself.

The Resonant Phenomena book claims The Great Revolutionary defeated the Empress despite the former not possessing the power of Bioresonance and the latter being an extremely powerful Bioresonant. The Empress' Hand note states the Empress took her own life, suggesting the Great Revolutionary may have played a role in her suicide.

The exact nature of their leadership and their current status is not revealed. It can be speculated The Great Revolutionary founded the Nation and her Daughter succeeded her.


  • Their portraits being omnipresent throughout the Nation, as well as the implied hereditary succession, runs parallel to real world totalitarian regimes such as North Korea's Kim dynasty.
  • The textures of the portraits of the leaders are exactly the same as the portraits of Isa and Erika from a distance.