Resonant Phenomena

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Resonant Phenomena is a memory which can be acquired in Rotfront, in the Itou bookstore.


「Resonant Phenomena」

Synchronicity: Phenomena that are meaningfully related yet lack a casual relationship.

We’ve yet to discover the true source of the ability of the mind to alter the physical world. Yet, creating physical phenomena remotely simply by consciously or unconsciously willing them into existence forms the basis for the entire field of Bioresonance Technology.

Before the advent of Bioresonance Technology, acasual correlations were often falsely interpreted simply as chance. Many phenomena such as Remote Viewing, Doppelgängers, or the Pauli Effect have since been classified as synchronistic phenomena related to bioresonant effects.

The world we live in would be impossible without Bioresonance, but it’s origins remain unclear.If it was truly a divine gift from outer space, as the late Empress claimed, why was she defeated by our Great Revolutionary, who had no such “divine” powers?


Version History[edit]