Part 4: Hospital

(Redirected from Part 4: Floor 3)
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  1. Go to <Reception> and pickup SHOTGUN
  2. Go to <Waiting Room> and pickup SWORD
  3. Go to <Store Room> and pick up SOCKET WRENCH HANDLE
  4. Go to <Nurse Station> and use the code from Frequencies and the SWORD decipher to get final code (KRRFZ)
  5. Open safe and obtain INCINERATOR ROOM KEY and EIDETIC MODULE
  6. Go to <Protektor Bathroom> and pick up PUMP ROOM KEY
  7. Go to <Pump Room> and use the drainage system (A to B, B to C, C to A, B to C, A to B, B to C, and C to A)
  8. Go back to <Protektor Bathroom> and jump down
  9. Pick up WATER KEY
  10. Go to <Flooded Office> and pick up EXAMINATION ROOM KEY
  11. Go to <Flooded Store Room> and pick up BLANK KEY
  12. Go to <Exam Room>, pick up 10MM SOCKET and combine with SOCKET WRENCH HANDLE to get 10MM SOCKET WRENCH
  13. Go to <Sleeping Ward> and pick up VIDEO CASSETTE
  14. Go to <Vent Room> and unlock the fan grate to obtain AIR KEY
  15. Go to <ICU 01> and use the VIDEO CASSETTE in the VCR player
  16. In the memory, move forward and pick up the GOLD KEY
  17. Go to <Imaging> and use the x-ray machine on the Lodged Key (memorize the pattern)
  18. Go to <Office>, use BLANK KEY on the Card PC, and use the Lodged Key pattern
  19. Go to <Incinerator> and solve the Gas Valve puzzle by using the indicator on the left and the 3 knobs to adjust CO2, Gas and O2 levels
  20. Pick up FIRE KEY
  21. Insert all keys into the locked door in <Waiting Room>
  22. Enter <Surgery> through the previously locked door, PREPARE FOR A BOSS FIGHT and drop down