Proper Disposal of Corpses

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Proper Disposal of Corpses is a memory which can be acquired in the Incinerator Room on level B3 of S-23 Sierpinski.


「Proper Disposal of Corpses」

From: EULR-S2306
To: EULR-S2305


As you've probably heard, there have been multiple accounts of bodies of decommissioned Protektors spontaneously reactivating and acting in a defective manner.

Based on November's autopsy report, it seems that all affected units showed some sort of cancerous growth in their organic components.
According to her, unless completely incinerated, this growth may reactive the Replika even after it's been dead for hours!

We don't know what causes this and we're unsure who's affected...
We can't keep up with incinerating all the bodies, with just two incinerators that constantly need recalibrating, so we're improvising:

These thermite flares are able to melt through Replika armor and burn the organic components from inside.
I've requisitioned more of them but there was some paperwork missing so we'll have to wait a bit longer.

- Juni



Version History[edit]