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Bioresonance is a phenomenon that holds vital importance to the story and plot of Signalis.

By reviewing all the references we can conclude that the powers of Bioresonance are vast, with it being able to distort reality, influence thoughts, and possibly even create life.


In the Nation[edit]

One of the prime references we have to refer to as to the Nation's understanding of Bioresonance is Bioresonance Technology and its Limitations, a document regarding the possibility of the Nation falling behind in other technology due to it. This document reads as follows:

No other technology has shaped our Nation as Bioresonance has. Would we ever have been able to free ourselves from the stranglehold of the Empire without the support of Replikas? Essential technologies like Klimaforming and Induced Gravity would be impossible without Bioresonance Technology.

Despite that, it feels like we've made little effort to really understand or replicate bioresonant effects with conventional technology. Our progress in the development of electronics and microprocessors has stagnated for nearly a century now as we focus this barely understood phenomenon.

Take Replika production, for example: The process of duplicating a neural pattern from a Gestalt host to a Replika brain is still not fully understood. How does Synchronicity happen? Why is the duplicate imperfect? What happens to the preexisting patterns in the receiving brain?

Recreating a Replika purely with acroprocessors and digital programming may be far out of reach, but I believe that we've become overly dependent on a poorly understood technology controlled solely by a few gifted individuals. It may not be long before we're back where we were under the Empire. [1]

This document confirms that Bioresonance is not a conventional technology but rather a poorly understood ability held by a few individuals. It additionally establishes that such individuals in the Empire most likely held vast control over society.

In the Empire[edit]

On the alternative perspective we have the Empire's account of this technology which is primarily conveyed through the Song of the Gods banned book. This document reads as follows.

There exists a connection between all of us that few are fully aware of. A song that we all dance to, but few can hear. This deep vibration of the cosmos can not just be heard and felt. We all resonate in harmony with it, shaping it, deforming it around us.

Those select few who can consciously perceive it often fear it. Too oppressive is the sound of the stars, too invasive the noise of the unaware around them, polluting the song with their fickle emotions. But every once in a while, some are born that cannot only hear and play this music of the worlds, but who can conduct it. Gifted individuals capable of manipulating the essence of the world around them.

Many believe that the Grand Empress is such a being. Her immense will bent humanity into the Empire of Eusan and lifted us to the stars. It was her power that imbued life into the first of the machine-servants that now carry the weight of the Empire on their carbon-steel backs.[2]

It expresses that their understanding of Bioresonance is more of a spiritual idea that shapes the universe. Within the universe there are few people who can hear and even fewer still who can manipulate this essence of the World. The Empress was one such person who could manipulate reality using Bioresonance. On a practical note, it conveys that the power of Bioresonance allowed for the initial creation of Replikas, as well as was strong enough to bend all of Humanity under one banner, be this by manipulating reality or due to her vast powers overpowering all other forces who opposed her we do not know.

The Stars[edit]

The Three Stars are often used as a symbol to denote the presence of Bioresonance, be it in the Flag of the Nation or on the foreheads of Bioresonant Individuals.

The Stars are Artificial[edit]

Ariane lacks the stars and had to be tested for Bioresonance, if the stars naturally developed on the foreheads of Bioresonants then she would have them and the testing would not be needed.

The Idea of the Star Comes from the King in Yellow (Theory)[edit]

Seeing as the Three Stars are seen on the Ancient Tome, and the book is connected to Bioresonance, it is possible that the concept of the Three Stars originates from the Cover of the King in Yellow.


We can see Bioresonance in action throughout the events of the game by the Kolibri Units, Falke, and by Ariane.

KLBR (Kolibri)[edit]

While fighting KLBR they will create fake copies of themselves. When one gets too close to these KLBR copies, an image of the Island of the Dead will slowly begin to dominate the screen along with phrases. This has been interpreted as the KLBR beaming the image of the island into your head as well as these phrases. Demonstrating that Bioresonance grants the user a degree of mind control, an aspect supported by the documents detailing how the KLBR maintain squad unity. [3]

FKLR (Falke)[edit]

Falke is established as being the strongest Bioresonant Replika produced by the Nation, this Replika has the ability, much like the KLBR, to influence others' thoughts, as seen by the transmission of thoughts during the final battle. Falke's powers go far beyond this, though. She is also able to use her Bioresonance to completely change the location in which you are fighting her during her boss fight and create STAR shields. Most akin to a purely bioresonant attack are her orbs which appear to distort reality and radiate out from her as an attack when she is wounded. [4]


The source of Bioresonance is unknown and unclear; possible sources include the Red Eye.