Bioresonance Technology and its Limitations

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Bioresonance Technology and its Limitations is a memory which can be acquired in the "Butterfly Room" in Rotfront (Area).


「Bioresonance Technology and its Limitations」


No other technology has shaped our Nation as Bioresonance has.
Would we ever have been able to free ourselves from the stranglehold of the Empire without the support of Replikas?
Essential technologies like Klimaforming and Induced Gravity would be Impossible without Bioresonance Technology.

Despite that, it feels like we've made little effort to really understand or replicate bioresonant effects with conventional technology, Our progress in the :development of electronics and microprocessors has stagnated for nearly a century now as we focus solely on new ways to instrumentalize this barely understood phenomenon

Take Replika production, for example: The process of duplicating a neural pattern from a Gestalt host to a Replika brain is still not fully understood. How does Synchronicity happen? Why is the duplicate imperfect? What happens to preexisting patterns in the receiving brain?

Recreating a Replika purely with microprocessors and digital programming may be far out of reach, but I believe that we've become overly dependent on a poorly understood technology controlled solely by a few gifted individuals. It may not be long before we're back where we were under the Empire.


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