Cut Content

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Disclaimer: None of the content derived from datamining or otherwise not part of the official release of the game, SIGNALIS, is to be considered canon, and should be treated as such. Interpretations based off of datamined content and other types of cut-content should not be inserted into articles, and in other instances (such as discussion) should be presented as interpretations and not implied or presented as fact.

Cut content is content or concepts which may have been present in the game's trailers, announcements, files, etc. which were changed or weren't present in the game's official release.


Cut or altered content seen in the pre-release trailers.

Teaser Trailer (2018)[edit]

Announcement Trailer (2020)[edit]


The crashed Penrose can also be seen in the Teaser Trailer, with no notable differences compared to the final release. This suggests that the small spacecraft seen in the cut cutscene is not an alternate design but a different ship entirely, appearing to be much smaller in size - possibly just a shuttlecraft instead of an exploratory vessel.

The cut gameplay section tracking a trail of blood from the crashed spacecraft to the doors of a facility (assumedly S-23 Sierpinski) and the cutscene of the same shuttle navigating the debris field beforehand may have been an alternate prologue sequence which would've shown how Elster arrives at the facility prior to where the game starts in the S-23 reception toilets, instead of the prologue sequence we get in the release version of the game aboard the Penrose.

The cut conversation cutscene with Rebecca Liang suggests she was originally intended to play a more active and significant role in the story, likely involving her profession as a biologist to investigate the infectious disease spreading throughout S-23 Sierpinski. The uniform she wears is perhaps specifically for biologists or medical and/or scientific personnel in general. The cut puzzle overriding cell doors doesn't seem to relate to any of the areas explored in the final game and may have been part of the cut content related to a narrative involving Rebecca.

The alternate first meeting with Isa Itou has significant deviations from the actual game. She is wearing a more formal, uniform-like alternative outfit and acts more startled by Elster's arrival. She also does not seem to be looking for her twin sister Erika Itou, instead appearing determined to escape S-23 Sierpinski. It may be that Erika had an established role elsewhere or did not exist at this point in development. How this alternate setting might've affected the narrative going forward is unclear.

The cut conversation between ADLR and Elster suggests ADLR may have originally been more involved in Elster's journey throughout S-23 Sierpinski and more willing to collaborate or possibly act as a guide throughout the facility instead of only briefly interacting with Elster at the start and end of the story while spending the rest of the game hunting Isa. In the actual game, the line "None of us are here by choice" is instead flashed on screen after the cutscene were he first confronts Isa in Falke's office, suggesting any exposition or commentary he might've delivered in cut conversations was instead delivered as more ambiguous statements, instead added to his notes and diaries.

The cut defective door lock puzzle that is seen in both trailers seems to have a similar context to the lock picking puzzle to unlock the Worker Block A6 Corridor door (both being puzzles requiring you to clear 4 bolts to unlock a door), and may have been replaced close to release. This was possibly due to gameplay reasons as the puzzle shown seems less visually intuitive than the one found in game (try different combinations of the 4 buttons until the 4 lights are green?).


These images are found in the game asset files, but are unused in game.

Concept Art[edit]