Beo (MNHR-S2301)

(Redirected from Beo (MHNR-S2301))
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Beo is the only uncorrupted Mynah in the game. She is found in the Mines in a state of disrepair and heading towards a certain demise.

Dialogue MNHR Logo.png[edit]

Speaking with her she says the following.

Ah hello. You're not a Protektor are you? What brings you here?

I'm Beo. If you're down here you are probably looking for something... I'd help you, but one of my Hydraulics failed and I can't move. I'm pretty much done for so you can just leave me here.

There's no point repairing an old unit like me, so don't worry about it, okay? It'd be a waste of resources.

I'd offer you my mining laser, but i don't think your frame could handle the power output. You're probably better off using a gun. There should be some useful equipment in the mining office. It's just south of here.

Don't worry about me. There are many replacements. We're just Replikas after all, right? In the end, whats one drop to an ocean? When I die they'll just make another.

Thank you for talking to me. I hope you find what you are looking for.



Also it can be noted that unlike all other Mynahs, the blood or possibly hydraulic fluid around Beo does not resemble "corrupted blood" of corrupted MNHRs, instead it looks like normal blood, likely signifying that she is not infected.

TriviaMNHR Logo.png[edit]

In the game code, Beo's official name is MNHR-S2301. She's listed as one of the Replikas from Excavation Team C, with the other two MNHR models likely corrupted. (There is one corrupted MNHR fight nearby.)