SIGNALIS Wiki:Style guide

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This is a guide for editing SIGNALIS Wiki. It is still being worked on.

General Guidelines[edit]

Article Formatting[edit]

  • Item article format
  • Memory article format


  • Images of items should be prefixed with Item, while memories should be prefixed with Memory (e.g., Item 10mm Ammo.png, or Memory A Red Dream.png)
  • Image names for items should be capitalized as proper nouns. That is, the beginning letter of every word should be capitalized. For example, the file name for 10mm Ammo should be
  • Image names for memories should follow the capitalization used in their title page, which is usually page 0. If there is no title page (i.e., an Untitled Memory), the first few words of the memory should be used instead.
  • If the title has punctuation which cannot be included in the file name, the punctuation should be replaced with a - hyphen. For example, the :colon in "LSTR Features: Repair Logic Module" would not be accepted, so it can be changed to LSTR Features- Repair Logic Module.


Images of Memory content (i.e., art or pages) should use the following in-game settings:


  • Resolution: 1920x1080
  • Brightness: Default (center)
  • Pixel Perfect


  • Pixel Scale: 3x
  • Fitting: Pixel Perfect
  • FIlm Grain: OFF
  • CRT Mode: OFF