Replika Known Issues, Penrose Program

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Replika Known Issues, Penrose Program is a Memory which can be acquired in the "Mess Hall" on the "Upper Deck" during the second Penrose visit. It contains information about the LSTR Replika Unit.


「Replika Known Issues, Penrose Program」

- CLASSIFIED INFORMATION - Gestalt Officer Eyes Only -

Previous experience with these Replika models has given us insight into irregularities in their behavior that stem from the original neural patterns used for these units. Due to the sensitive nature of this information, this document should be destroyed after reading.

Elster units were chosen for the Penrose Program for their adaptability and reliability under long-term isolation conditions.
Stoic and reserved, Elster units have a relatively stable neural pattern. It is best for you to leave it alone and interact with the Elster unit as little as possible.
Elsters' neural pattern was a soldier of Vinetan origin, so their needs are basic. Avoid talking to the Elster unit about the war.

Penrose vessels are fitted with a specialized calibration pod which may help with Persona stabilization.
To avoid resurfacing of Gestalt memories, do not show or give the Elster unit photographs, especially of soldiers during the war. Do not show the Elster unit movies, or let it listen to music. Do not try to befriend the Elster unit.



Version History[edit]