Letter from Mother

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Letter from Mother is a memory which can be acquired in Home, the save room before the boss fight with Falke.


「Letter from Mother」

My dearest Ariane,
I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better again. I was very worried when I heard from your Aunt that you're in the hospital again. I still remember how you used to get sick so much as a child. Please don't overexert yourself, okay?

The photo you sent me is very interesting. What a strange coincidence that she looks so much like you. You could be twins! Perhaps she is related to us somehow, though I don't know anyone named Seo in our family. From the looks of it, it was shot on Vineta.

Your military service will begin soon, so you might be wearing a uniform like her soon enough. Please send me a photo when that happens!



Version History[edit]