LSTR Features: Repair Logic Module

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LSTR Features: Repair Logic Module is a memory which can be acquired in the beginning of the game on the crashed Penrose-512.


「LSTR Features: Repair Logic Module」

Serving our great Nation as ship technicians aboard the scout vessels of the Penrose Program, LSTR-type Replikas like yourself are equipped with a specialized Repair Logic Module (RLM), allowing them to quickly and easily repair both themselves and important mission equipment.

Accessing the RLM functions
Enter the inventory screen by pressing TAB
Select the item to repair with 「A/D」.
Press 「F」 to open the command menu.
Select the 「COMBINE」 option to enter combine mode.

While in combine mode, select a second item to repair.
Press 「F」 again to combine both items.
To repair damage to the Replika body, select a suitable repair item and simply choose the 「USE」 option from the command menu.

Sometimes it can be helpful to take a good look at an object from all sides.
Select the 「INSPECT」 option in the command menu to enter inspect mode.
While in inspect mode, use 「WASD」 to rotate the item to look at it from all sides.



Version History[edit]