Fuse Puzzle

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The Fuse Puzzle is a static puzzle which must be completed to access other parts of the level. The player must first find the Fuse in order to begin the puzzle.
Once the Fuse has been inserted, the player must match the top and bottom numbers with their corresponding written numbers. Starting at 120V and 120V, they must become 800V and 230V, respectively.


The Fuze Puzzle is located in the Paternoster Engine room of B5 - Service Level in S-23 Sierpinski.

Fuze Puzzle Location.png


The Fuse Puzzle is essentially a mathematic puzzle.
The resistors (horizontal colored lines) subtract the amount stated below them, the capacitors (red circles) add the amount stated below them, while the transistors (black boxes) multiply by the amount stated below them.

Solved puzzle

See Also[edit]