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The Bedroom is a room viewed in the first-person perspective. It is first visited in the prologue of SIGNALIS.


The King in Yellow is found on the desk of the room. The prologue ends with Elster picking up this book, leading into Chapter 1: Synchronicity.

Right Wall[edit]

SIGNALIS Bedroom RightWall.png

Investigate flag:

The national flag.

Investigate area above pictures:

Faded text on the walls. I can't make out what it used to say.

Investigate pictures:

Dark pictures of a coastline and an island. Are they photographs?


SIGNALIS Bedroom Floor.png

Investigate bed/wall above bed:

A dusty bed. The sheets have a weird texture, like some sort of leather.

Rear Wall / Safe[edit]

SIGNALIS Bedroom RearWall.png
SIGNALIS Bedroom Safe.png

Investigate safe:

A heavy safe box, wrapped in chains.

Forward Wall[edit]

SIGNALIS Bedroom ForwardWall.png

Investigate left books:

Textbooks on radio operation. They look old and worn.

Investigate right green books:

Old Imperial serials. I'm pretty sure these are banned.

Investigate wardrobe:

An old wooden wardrobe.

Forward Wall - Desk[edit]

SIGNALIS Bedroom Desk.png

Investigate computer:

The computer screen is blank.

Investigate radio:

A radio transmitter. It seems to be connected to the computer.

Investigate The King In Yellow:

An ancient-looking tome is lying on the table. > It feels like it is calling to me... > Pick up The King in Yellow?

Left Wall[edit]

SIGNALIS Bedroom LeftWall.png

Investigate door / floor in front of door:

The door won't open. > Where could it possibly lead to?

Investigate lightswitch:

A lightswitch.
I'd rather not turn it off.


After exploring Rotfront and completing the North Wall Puzzle, Elster enters the Bedroom a second time. Depending on the player's actions, it may be possible to unlock the safe and pick up the Flower inside, in which case the game will end. Otherwise, The King in Yellow may be picked up once more, allowing Elster to enter the next room.

Right Wall[edit]

SIGNALIS Bedroom RightWall.png

Investigate flag:

The national flag. It's meaningless.

Investigate area above pictures:

This used to be her home.

Investigate pictures:

Black and white pictures of the paintings Ariane used to make.


SIGNALIS Bedroom Floor.png

Investigate bed/wall above bed:

A dusty bed. Ariane used to sleep here.

Rear Wall / Safe[edit]

SIGNALIS Bedroom RearWall.png
SIGNALIS Bedroom Safe.png

Investigate ritual symbol on safe:

It seems to be the insignia of the safe manufacturer.

Forward Wall[edit]

Investigate left books:

Textbooks on radio operation. These used to belong to Ariane's mother.

Investigate right green books:

Old Imperial serials. Ariane loved reading these.

Investigate wardrobe:

An old wooden wardrobe. Ariane used to keep her clothes in here.

Forward Wall - Desk[edit]

Investigate computer:

The computer screen is blank.

Investigate radio:

Ariane's old radio transmitter. It's still transmitting...

Investigate The King In Yellow:

The last seal has been broken. > It's time to go home. > Pick up The King in Yellow?

Left Wall[edit]

SIGNALIS Bedroom LeftWall.png

Investigate door / floor in front of door:

The door won't open yet.

Investigate lightswitch:

A lightswitch.
I don't need to turn off the light.


SIGNALIS Bedroom Numbers.png
  • To the right of the flag, several numbers can be seen scrawled on the wall. If one decodes them with an A1Z26 cipher, the following message is found:


Translated, this means "IF ONLY WE COULD LIVE LIKE NOW FOREVER". [1]

  • The computer keyboard in this room is a Japanese Katakana keyboard combined with some German text.
  • The left wall's doorframe being colored in red may be a reference to the "forbidden rooms" shown in the 2001 Kiyoshi Kurosawa film "Pulse"/"Kairo" (a confirmed inspiration for SIGNALIS by Yuri Stern)[2]
