AEON Arbeitsfront-zuweisung

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"AEON Arbeitsfront-zuweisung" are documents which can be found in the last save-room before the final boss fight.

The note is for Ariane Yeong.


Page 1[edit]

We have been informed that your compulsory military service period was recently completed.
According to our files, you have previously graduated from Mandelbrot Polytechnical High School in Rotfront Sektor C on R-34.59c and have recently submitted an application for a military service assignment (Penrose Program).

Page 2[edit]

You have been processed by AEON Workforce Assignment.
Previous work experience:

Store Clerk (Yeong Photo Store), Part Time
Compulsory military service (Rotfront Oribital)
Long-Range Radio Operations Officer Training

Page 3[edit]

Should you not be accepted by a military service program by the end of the season or find other employment, you will be assigned the following workplace:

S-23 Sierpinski Production and Mining Facility on Leng


Version History[edit]