Teacher's Evaluation: Ariane Yeong

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Teacher's Evaluation: Ariane Yeong is a memory which can be acquired in the "Hospital Room" on the upper floor of Rotfront.


「Teacher's Evaluation: Ariane Yeong」

The girl, without a doubt, is remarkably odd, certainly due to her being raised solely by her mother, rather than by a community of good people overseen by a block warden as is normal these days.

Her obsession with paintings, music and other such nonsense was clearly implanted during her time living in the mountains on that desolate radio outpost. And surely, her friendship with those Vinetan-born Itou sisters also exposed her to some of the questionable literature that is illegally sold in their parent's bookstore.

She does not seem to understand that these distractions are no longer acceptable now that she must partake in the society of our Nation like anyone else.
Personally, I can only hope military service will beat those frivolous ideas out of her in a way that this school has failed to do so far.


Version History[edit]